2nd period.

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Now we were in language arts , the hardest class in the world. I sat beside Kela & shameeka, probably the wrose seat because we talk 24/7.

While mr Jiel was explaining what to do during the class period, I instantly hear the word partners & get happy because me , kela & shameeka we're gonna be partners... that's until he said " I will be picking your partners for you students so you get to know your fellow classmates" , the assignment we had to do was a game trying to get to know each other. As mr Jiel was calling out partners I instantly hear my name & get so nervous.. he says " Asiae & Antonio will be partners" MY HEART DROPPED. I turned around & looked at Antonio he was smiling ... I wonder why.
Antonio was so fine to me in my eyes , I think almost everyone had a crush on him but I felt for some reason he kinda had a thing for me. We go sit in the back of the class & tells me really cool things about him, here's what he told me. ( next chapter )

Asiae & Antonio. (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now