Chapter 1: Part 1

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Mel's Pov

I woke up to my clock beeping, time to get up and go to hell just because I'm relatively smart doesn't mean I have to enjoy going to school. I mean come on who in their right mind would enjoy school? "Mel, hurry up papa says we're going to be late and you have to take me to school." My little sister Evelyn says from outside my door.

"I'm coming!" I groan rolling out of bed and falling on the floor with a thud. "Fuck." I hiss as my arm touches the cold floor. I put my hair in a tight ponytail before dressing in my oversized guns and roses t-shirt and a pair of jeans along with my Jordans. I then brush my teeth and grab my bags for school.

"Lyn, come on," I scream.

"I'm coming, I spilled jam on my shirt." She screams back running to the door.

"By papa," I say kissing his cheek and Evelyn does the same. We get in my Volkswagen and put on Missing you by The Vamps. A few minutes later we pull up at my best friend's house and honk the horn and she runs out.

"My bad mom was trying to make some new kind of vegan breakfast. It was actually good," Becca says and I laugh.

"It's fine, now off to school," I scream and we all burst out singing Heard it all before by Toni Romiti.

Once we pulled up at school Evelyn ran off to join her friends. Becca and I hooked arms. "Just think 2 more months and we're out of here," Becca says smiling at me.

"Yeah, but I can't leave Papa to take care of Lyn," I say and she gives me a sad smile.

"You're not her mom you know," Becca says as we head to our lockers.

"I know that but sti-"

"Move it hoe." Hannah the queen bee says pushing me to the ground. I don't say anything, this was nothing new Becca continued on her way to class while I picked up my books. 3 long classes, later it was finally time for lunch. I threw all my stuff in my locker and headed to the lunchroom and sat with my friends. Adam, Lacey, and of course Becca.

"So how were your classes?" I ask them.

"Well, my idiot brother." Lacey starts glaring at Adam then continuing. "Decided that he wanted to put tacks on my chair but accidentally put them in his own chair." She says breaking into a fit of laughter not much longer we all joined in well except Adam.

"Okay laugh it up but that shit hurted I'm just glad Michal is out he might have dumped me for my stupidity," Adam says and I laugh. Michal, if you didn't gather, is Adam's boyfriend of 2 years but he doesn't hang with us. He's in the popular crowd as cliche as it sounds but he's a sweetheart.

"Well, Mrs. Mclain decided to make a 6-page essay due Wednesday," I say with a groan of annoyance.

"But it's Tuesday," Becca exclaimed.

"Yeah I know but I guess I'll do it while waiting for Evelyn to finish up cheer practice this afternoon," I say rolling my eyes. Just then the bell rings and I finish up my jello and head to math with Becca and Lacey. Adam has PE right now so he's not with us. 2 more long hours and here I am finished with my essay watching my sister cheer with her team and of course her caption is Hannah.

"Okay girls great practice we meet again Thursday you're dismissed," Hannah says and the girls go to the locker room to change. I was reading my book when someone flipped it out of my hand.

"Well look what we have here, you're simply below trash why are you here?" Hannah sneers.

"If I'm below trash why are you wasting your time talking to me," I replied bored, Which I was Hanna. However, didn't like that response and picked my book up I stared at her curious as to what she would do next.

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