Chapter 13 Tour Life With My Wife And Babygirl And Baby #2 & Happily Ever After

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Riker's P.O.V 

I have wrote a lot of music and i am now in the recording studio ready to record my first solo album Riker Lynch, It has a Pop and Rock feel to it, I have 12 songs plus a bonus song, Bonus song is Always, I spent about 8 months in the studio recording, I am getting ready to release my solo debut album, My wife Aria and my 1yr. old daughter Ryla are with me.

~Heading To New York~

We just got here to New York and i'm so excited to be here with Ari and Ryla My 2 favorite girls in the world, My girls are here to help share in this joy.

My album is being released in New York today at Tower Records, I am excited about the album signing be because there are a lot of people lined up out side, I mean a lot of people there are barricades up so nobody gets hurt, I can't believe i have so many fans out there, My cell phone rang snapping me out of thought.

~Phone Conversation~

Riker: Hello?

xxx: Riker it's Andre!

Riker: Hey Andre! What's up?

Andre: You have a major turn out of fans out there in the streets of New York, Guess how many fans are out there right now?

Riker: A couple hundred?

Andre: Nope! Try 10,000 fans and growing by the minute.

Riker: Really, Holy crap! I can't wait to tell Ari.

Andre: I will meet you there with your wife and daughter in about 45 minute's okay.

Riker: Okay see you in 45 minutes....Bye

Andre: Bye

~End Of Phone Conversation~

I told Aria how many people where out side in the streets of New York, She just about fainted, She was like oh my goodness baby wow that is a lot of people who love you, I am so proud of you Riker, I said thanks baby! We have to get to Tower Records and it's going to take awhile to get there, We have to meet Andre there in 45 minute's if we leave now we will just make it there.

We left our hotel and headed out to get to Tower Records man the crowd was crazy, I had a lot of body guards to protect us, The bodyguards took my wife and daughter ahead of me because fans wanted pix and autographs, So as i was walking i signed autographs and took pix with my fans.

~At Tower Records To Release My Solo Debut Self Titled Album Riker Lynch~

We are finally Tower Records they have a table set up for me to sit behind to sign my Cd's for fans, I was going to try to sign as many Cd's as possible today, After all most of these fans waiting all night long to get my album and see me, So the least i can do is sign there Cd's for them.

~5 Hours Later~

I was done signing the Cd's for my fans, I signed over 500,000 Cd's today, I got a fucking hand cramp but it was totally worth it, We are now leaving Tower Records and heading back to our hotel.

Back at the hotel we where relaxing and my hand was in ice water because it was so sore, It looked like i had a deformed hand, I looked so weird, I looked like Captain Hook.

~2 Weeks Later Tour Time~

It has been 2 weeks since my self titled debut album dropped, I have already sold over a million copies, Now i am going on tour, My girls are coming with me i don't want to leave them at home i want them to see me rock out on stage, It is going to be a 3 month tour, I will be playing Venue's and Arena'a I so excited, Aria and Ryla are excited to for me, We are going to have so much fun.

Over the next year i spend touring at different times, Each one 3 months long, My Daughter is turning 2 in a few days, Thank god i just got done with the tour, I want to be able to celebrate my daughter turning 2 at home, Ryla is very excited to be at home and to be able to sleep in her own bed.

~A Few Days Later~

Today is my baby girls birthday and she is turning 2 yrs. old today, I am a very proud daddy, I am setting up for her birthday party, Aria has Ryla out for the day Aria has to run some arraigns and Aria has a doctor's appointment, So by the time she is done with every thing I will be done setting up for Ryla's party. 

~2 Hours Later~

I have finished with setting up for my little girls party, I can't wait till sees her decorations, Ryla love's Unicorn's and everything pink, She also love's ponies, She is going to love her party, All of Ryla's cousin's are here to help her celebrate her birthday, All of my siblings are here with there spouses and kids.

~Ring Ring~

~Start Of Phone Conversation~

Riker: Hello!

Aria: Hi honey, can we come home yet?

Riker: Yes i have very thing set up for Ryla's party, And everyone is here already, Just waiting on the birthday girl.

Aria: Okay we will be right home then.

Riker: Okay then........Bye!

Aria: Bye honey!

~End Of Phone Conversation~

~20 Minute's Later~

I heard my wife drive up in the driveway, When Aria came through the front door with Ryla, We all said surprise, I said surprise baby girl happy birthday, She had a wonderful birthday party, She got to hang with her cousin's and aunts and uncles.

~3 days Later~

My wife got a phone call from the doctor's saying that she is pregnant, Whenshe got off the phone she told me that i was going to be a daddy again, I was so excited that i was going to be a daddy again, I hope that this one is a boy because i want o name him after me.

~6 Month's Later~

Aria had a sonagram to see how our baby was doing, We also wanted to know the sex of our baby, When the doctor said that we where having a boy i was excited, I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest.

~3 months Later~

Today We are expecting baby #2, A Little boy we have already decided that he will be named after me Riker Anthony Lynch Jr.

It has been months for my wife and now we are aboout to bring our second child into the world my son, About 6 minute's later my son had arrived, He was so beautiful 10 finger's 10 toes and that very so much Lynch weiner, Let's just say my wife had a penis inside of her, The next day went home with Riker Jr. Ryla was very excited to have her little brother, She was also happy that she was a big sister.

                                        The End They Lived Happily Ever After

      ~Next Book Will Be The Rydellington Love Match~ {Book 4}

Starr xoxo

Finally Finding Love {A Riker Lynch Love Story} Book 3Where stories live. Discover now