Chapter 12 Expecting Our First Child

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Riker's P.O.V

~Home From Our Honeymoon~ 

~We Been Home For a Week~

~Aria Feels Sick So I Take Her To The Doctor's~

When we arrive at the doctor's office Aria signed in and we sat down together, A few minute's later the nurse came out and called us back, We walked into small exam room, The nurse took Aria's Vidal's and then said the doctor will be right with you, Then the doctor came in and saw Aria and asked what is going on today, Aria said that she was not feeling well.

The doctor examined Aria and then after the exam was over the doctor left the room and said i will be right back with your test results, We both said okay then looked at each other then giggled, A few minute's later the doctor can back, The doctor came in and gave us Aria's test results, The doctor said that Aria was pregnant, Then gave us a prescription for prenatal vitamins.

~During The Next  Months~

~Months 1 - 3~

Aria was so excited to have my baby growing inside her, I am excited that i have a second chance to be a daddy, I am really excited and really nervous about it.

Riker's P.O.V

The last time i was expected to be a father i ended up killing my baby, Till this day i don't know what we where having if it was a girl or a boy, I never really asked Vanessa about the baby, I think it still might be to painful for her, I think she really wanted to have that baby, She may have been young but she knew she wanted to have that baby.

As each passing day goes by i get excited then nervous i want to be the best father i can be to this little baby my wife is carrying, I also fall in love with my wife each and every day, Aria is very nauseous during this time.

~Month 4 - 6~

The past 3 months have been hard on Aria, She had morning sickness around the clock, Today we have a doctors appointment to make sure every thing is doing okay with the baby and her, That her and the baby are happy and heathly, When we saw the doctor she said that every thing is great and mom and baby are doing just fine.

After the doctor's appointment we left and went to In and Out Burger for lunch, Aria i swear ate 2 cheeseburgers with every thing on it, Large fries and a Large Chocolate milk shake, We ate out a lot during those 3 months, Aria is entering the end of her 6th month of pregnancy and she looks absolutely beautiful.

~6 Months Pregnant~

Aria Decided she wanted to put the babies room together, Only after we found out what we where having it's a girl! I having a daughter, I hope she is a daddies girl when she grows up. 

~Month 7 - 9~

Well is nearing the end of her pregnancy she is 39 weeks Pregnant and she still looks amazing and beautiful, Ari has about a week left of her pregnancy, We have the nursery done already and we did that when she was 6 months pregnant.

~A Week Later Aria Is Now 40 Weeks Pregnant~

 Today Is a good morning Aria & I woke up i helped her out of bed, We went to the kitchen and i had her sit down at the table, I made breakfast for both of us, I made waffle's And bacon with milk and orange juice on the side.

After we after we ate breakfast, About 2 hours later Aria said Riker i think my water just broke? So i remained calm and got her bag from the closet and her favorite pillow went to my truck, Put the stuff in the back seat got in the truck and pulled it up to the house, Then got out and went into the house and got my very pregnant wife, I helped her to the car and help her get in.

I drove to the hospital got out and helped my wife Aria out of the car, I locked the doors to the car and we headed inside, My wife's doctor was waiting for us, She showed us to a private room where Aria would be having the baby, I have my video camera because Aria wants me to film the birth of our daughter being born today.

The doctor left after she got Aria settled in, We just talked for a while and ant time Ari had a contraction i would help her on her breathing, A couple of hours later the doctor came back in and check to see if Aria was fully dilated to 10 cm, She was and it was time to have our little girl join the world today.

~5 Minute's Later~

Today i am Going to be a Daddy, We are expecting our first child any minute now and we are having a little girl, Her name is Ryla Anthonia Lynch.

Our little bundle of joy was here and she was so cute, My little girl was here and i was the first to hold her in my arms, She was the most beautiful little girl in the world and she was mine, {Riker Starts Crying} I have a child, little girl who will come to me for guideance i this world, I can't believe i am a daddy.

~The Next Day Going Home~

Today we are leaving the hospital with Ryla Anthonia Lynch, We left the hospital with everything we needed for our little girl, We where very proud parents to our first child, We started our new life as parents, We where embarking on a new change in our life which is our daughter Ryla, Even thou we had a lot of sleepless nights it was worth it.

After 6 months had gone by i started getting back into my music, Despite what happen years ago with Vanessa I still had some Riker Fans out there that still love me i hope i can make a come back with new music.


Starr xoxo

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