Chapter 2 To The Beach

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April 14, 2018 ~Heading To The Beach~

Today i am going to the beach to chill out and look for love, Maybe i will find her on the beach, Okay i need to make sure i have everything.

Beach bag - Check

Shades - Check

Sun Block -  Check

Favorite Blue Beach Towel -  Check

Flip Flops - Check

iPhone - Check

Keys To My Truck Six - Check

Riker's P.O.V

Okay looks like i'm ready to go to the beach, I head out the door an to my truck, I got in my truck started the engine and headed to the beach, 25 minutes later i had arrived at the beach, As i looked out it was not that crowded, Which was good because it was still early, So i got out of my truck grabbed my beach bag closed my door locked my truck and headed for a good spot on the beach.

So i found a good spot on the beach, I was wearing my favorite blue and white checkerboard swim trunks and a white muscle shirt, But i took of the muscle shirt so now i could just relax and have a great time, Hope i can meet that special girl for me so i can have love in my life like the rest of my family.

My sister Rydel has Ellington Ratliff in her life and they are going very strong, i am proud of her i think she and Ell are expecting there first child soon so i'm going to be an uncle again, I am ecited for them they are the cutest couple everyone calls them the Rydellingtons, They are also going to be getting married soon, So that mean Ellington is going to be my brother-in-law and i like that idea because he is our bestfriend.

My brother Rocky has a new girlfriend and is in so much love with her, He broke up with Alexa because she kept cheating on him so he dumped her ass, His new lady love is Jasmine Treeport she is really nice she was at Ross and Vanessa's wedding she was one of the bridesmaids, I'm happy for Rocky and they make a super adorable couple. 

Ryland Is still with his girlfriend Savannah Hudson she is cool too, She was also at Ross and Vanessa's wedding, Ryland and Savannah are an awesome couple they have been together since 2013, I think Ry asked Savannah to marry him i'm not sure though.

Mom and Dad are still going strong as well they are happy that all of there kids are out of the house, They go back to Colorado to see family now an then and we all come over to see them to, So they don't miss there babies, {I was snapped out of my thoughts}

Girl: Hi!

Riker: {Puts hand up to face to block the sun} Hi!

Girl: I'm Ariana Gomez

Riker: I'm Riker Lynch, Nice to meet you Ariana

Aria: Please call me Aria or Ari

Riker: {Smiled} Okay I like the short names of your name it's pretty!

Aria: Thank you!

Riker: So how long have you lived here? I moved here when i was 16 years old from Colorado, Littleton Colorado.

Aria: I have lived here my whole life, I'm a Cali Girl {Giggles}

Riker: {Giggles as well} That's cool.

Aria: Yea, I love california! The beaches, The waves, The cute guy on the beach {Looks at Riker}

Riker: {Blushes} Are you talking about me?

Aria: Yea, I'm talking about you! Why is that a bad thing?

Riker: No, Not at all! I just really want to kiss you now.

Aria: Well! What are you waiting for an invite?

Riker: Well yea! I don't want to force myself on you, Then get kicked in the balls because i moved to fast.

Aria: {Grabbed ahold of Riker face and pulled him close to her and kissed him}

Riker's P.O.V

Wow this girl was not only smokin' f*uckin' hot but damn this chick has her tongue practical down my throat, I'm not stopping this i have not had sex in like 4 and half years, I am so f*cking horny right now i could f*ck her on the beach, I pulled away from the kiss.

Riker: Do you want to go to my place and continue this little make-out session there.

Aria: Sure, Then we can have sex, Because i am so wet and horny for you right now {Smirks at Riker}

Riker: Wow, My kinda girl, A Bad Boy Mixed with a Bad Girl, We can do a lot of bad things together. {Smirking At Aria}

Aria: Good Then Lets Go F*ck! {Licks His Lips Up To His Nose}

Riker's P.O.V

I gave Aria my address to my house, Then we walked to our cars and she followed behind me as we pulled out of the parking lot. I headed towards my house i could feel my d*ck already getting f*cking hard, I so wanted this girl so bad i so want her bouncing up and down on my d*ck, About 25 minutes later i pulled in to my driveway of my house.



 Starr xoxo

Finally Finding Love {A Riker Lynch Love Story} Book 3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें