Chapter Fourty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"You said you look like a fat bear and I told you that you're a beautiful fat bear. I was trying to compliment you. " She sighed.

" I'm not flattered "

" I guess what I really want to say is that you're beautiful. You'll always be beautiful to me, baby. Always remember that. " She looked at me intently and with fill of sincerity in her eyes.

A smile slowly spread across my lips and I wrapped my arms around her neck. "Really?"

"Really." She smiled back at me and kissed me on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." I responded, rubbing my nose against her.

I felt luck for having her an understanding, patient and loving wife. How could I be more blessed than I was now? I had everything I had ever hoped and dreamt about... everything and so much more.

Lisa's POV

Jennie was in the bathroom and I was watching TV in our bedroom. The door to the bathroom was open. I tell her to always leave it open when she uses it. So that I can know what is happening to her even when she's inside the bathroom. She might trip or fall down and i wouldn't know.

The last time I checked on her, she was soaking in the tub while reading a book. She had been complaining about the pain in her back since this afternoon. I insisted her to go to the doctor but she doesn't want to. She said it wasn't really that painful, I told her that if doesn't get better by tommorow we'd see her doctor. She had been complaining about it since the second trimester of her pregnancy, the doctor would always tell us that it was normal and we had nothing to worry about. The backpain was just from the weight of the baby in her stomach.

"Lisa..." I heard her call me.

I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. "What? Is something wrong?"

"I think the baby wants to get out... NOW!"

"What?! " Panic quickly rose into me. I carefully guided her out the tub and wrapped a robe around her body. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"It... It hurts." She groaned. "my stomach hurts. Oh my god!"

As we were heading towards the bathroom door, a rush of water began to flow down between her legs. Fuck! Her water broke! I swallowed, forcing myself to remain calm.

"Lisa..." She winced, gripping my arm tightly. "I can't... walk... it really hurts."

"It's going to be alright, I promise. " I gently said before lifting her up and carrying her to our bedroom. I laid her down the bed and sat on the edge of it, next to her.

"Lisa!" She screamed. "Get this thing out of me! Its breaking me from the inside! "

" Calm down, okay? " I said even though I was starting panic too. It was as if my mind had completely gone blank. I thought I would be prepared when the time comes but I guess I wasn't. "Take a deep breath. Remember how we did it in Lamaze class?" Good thing I was always with her when she was taking Lamaze class. I never missed a single day of it. That's why I have a little knowledge about this.

She started taking deep, long breaths, she held in the air for a few seconds before breathing it out just like how she was taught. I grabbed my phone and dialed the hospital's number to call an ambulance. I told them to get here as soon as possible.

"Lisaaaa!" She screamed again and i almost dropped my phone.

"What? What's wrong? Baby, you have to calm down. It's going to be alright, you'll be alright and the baby's going to fine. " I gently said. I was telling it to her but it seemed like I was telling it to myself more.

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