Chapter 9 The Engagement Ring

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Riker: Thanks again Dell's I really Appreciate you helping me make this dinner for Aria.

Delly: No problem Riker what are sister's for. 

Riker: {Giggles}

So went into the kitchen and we started putting everything together and making the dinner.

Delly: Okay Riker! Here put this in the over on 450 Degrees, Then set the timer for an hour and 45 minute's, Here now put this one in the top part of the oven.

Riker: {Take's the first thing that dell gave him and put it in the oven, Then took the second thing and put it in the top part of the oven} Done! And Done! BOOM! {Cross' Arm's} 

Delly: RIker {Giggle's} You are so weird.

Riker: I know! So what do we do for an 1 hour and 45 minute's

Delly: Go shower and get ready for tonight, Your kinda stinky! {Wave's hand infront of face} 

Riker: Okay, okay i get it! i smell, Jeez dell's hurt a guy's feelings.

Delly: Go!

Riker: I'm going, I'm going!

Riker's P.O.V

So i head to my room to take a shower, I grabbed a towel my Shampoo Conditioner and body wash i went into the bathroom, I turned the water on to get it hot then added the cold water to cool it off to the right temp, I then took off my clothes and got into the shower, As i let the water run down my body.

After my hair and body was wet, I grabbed the shampoo and put some in my hand i put my hands together and then applied it to my hair, I scrubbed into my hair and scalp then washed it out, Then i grabbed the Conditioner put some in my hand and put my hands together and then applied it to my hair scrubbing it in good, Then i washed my body with the body wash and i washed every where my neck.

My shoulders, my arms, my pits, my chest, My stomach, my dick, my legs, my back and my ass, I wanted to make sure i was clean everywhere, I washed my hair out of the conditioner and washed my body off of the body wash, After i was done in the shower i turned the water off, Because i wanted tonight to be perfect for when i pop the question to Aria.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around  my waist, I went into my room and dried off my body and wrapped another towel around my waist went to my closet and picked out clothes to wear for tonight, i picked out a pair of blue jeans and my you and me? t-shirt and a flannel open of course.

Riker: {Yelled out to Delly} How's dinner coming,

Delly: {She yelled back} It's coming along just fine, Hurry up i need to get back home to my husband and kids, Ell is cooking tonight and i want o get back home to them.

Riker: Okay I'm Coming! 

~I came out of my room and into the kitchen where Delly was~

Riker: Okay i'm here, What do i need to do?

Delly: Well it will finish cooking, By the time Ari gets here it will be ready to serve.

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