Chapter 8: Massacre

Start from the beginning

Romasanta gave Alucard an annoyed look as the vampire regenerated his arm. He open fired again, hitting his target several times before the wolf took off. He jumped through the air, changing form again. This time he took on the form of the common two-legged werewolf. His claws buried into the wall, allowing him to hang there like a spider.

Alucard chuckled. "Not feeling so confident in that last form, were you?"

Romasanta roared and began crawling along the wall, dodging Alucard's flying bullets. His sensitive ears finally picked up the click that indicated that the vampire was out of ammo.

Seizing the opportunity, he jumped off the wall, tackling his long time rival. His jaws closed over Alucard's neck and he tore his throat out. Alucard stepped backwards, reloading his guns as his throat healed. He was really enjoying this. He was glad that Romasanta was still alive to provide him with this challenge, and he knew that Romasanta was enjoying this just as much as he was.

His gaze shifted over to Junior, noticing the excited look on the clone's face. If he wanted a show, then he was going to get a show. One he would never forget.

Romasanta's roar brought his attention back towards the werewolf. He was on two legs, charging at the vampire with his five-inch claws ready to tear him apart.

"Yes, that's it, come to me, Romasanta!"

Romasanta pounced. Alucard anticipated this and jumped up. Bullets slammed into Romasanta's back as the werewolf passed underneath him. Romasanta crashed to the ground, growling angrily. As he started to get up, he changed forms again. This time he became a four-legged demonic wolf-like creature, one that resembled the Hell Hounds that Alucard possessed. Alucard knew that in this form, Romasanta was at his physically strongest, yet he was slower, and somewhat clumsy.

Romasanta roared and charged at the ancient vampire. Alucard walked backwards, just out of Romasanta's reach, firing his guns. Romasanta merely winced as bullets slammed into him, several hitting his head, and kept up the chase. When Alucard reached the wall, he jumped over the werewolf. Romasanta merely jumped up onto the wall and clung there with his claws. He roared and pounced, covering great distance, and tackled Alucard.

The two crashed to the ground, Alucard beneath the large wolf. Regardless of the position, be grinned up at Romasanta. "Well, well, it seems you still manage to surprise me."

Romasanta growled, but the yelped in pain as Alucard lunged forward, clamping his jaws on the werewolf's nose. Romasanta jumped back, leaving a piece of his nose in Alucard's mouth. He shifted to his two-legged wolf form, his face already healed.

Alucard got to his feet, blood running down his chin. "Don't look so angry. You're enjoying this as much as I am."

Romasanta charged. Alucard smirked and summoned up Rip Van Winkle. The Huntress fired a single magic bullet before vanishing. The flying piece of metal flew around and through Romasanta, tearing through flesh and bone.

"Do you like it?" Alucard asked. "Are you enjoying the exquisite pain of being torn to pieces?"

Romasanta stumbled back as the bullet pierced his flesh again and again. Finally, as the bullet exited his chest, he managed to snatch it out of the air and crush it into dust. He grinned at Alucard, if werewolves were capable of grinning, and the vampire grinned back.

"Impressive." He told the werewolf. "But nothing I haven't seen before. Ready for round two?"

Romasanta response was to howl loudly and charge.


Sinclair, Iniquitous, and Diabolique spun around when they heard the sound of chains snapping. To their shock, Seras was no longer on the slab, the chains having been broken through.

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