Chapter 3: Indestructible

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"C-Company?" Seras repeated.

Alucard was looking at a wall of fire. A figure slowly approached them from within the flames, not seeming to care that it was being burned. When it got close enough, Seras saw short spiky white hair and dark gray skin as shriveled as a raisin.

At first Seras just sighed. 'Just another ghoul.' Then she took a second look. Blood red eyes like a vampire's glowed with purple light like that of a ghoul. But there was intelligence in those eyes that was not seen in those of a normal ghoul.

The ghoul stopped a few feet away from the two vampires and grinned, showing off its sharp teeth. Seras knew that there was something different about this ghoul. Alucard knew it as well, but he merely cocked his head to the side and fired several rounds into the creature's chest, making sure to hit the heart.

As the ghoul dropped to the ground, Alucard turned to leave. "Seras, we are leaving."

Seras blinked. It wasn't too often that he used her actual name. "But… what about-"

"There is nothing here for us anymore." The vampire king interrupted. "Now is the time to…"

He trailed off as he detected movement behind him. He turned and saw the ghoul rising to its feet. It still had multiple bullet holes in its torso, but it refused to stay down.

"Your bullets are useless, vampire king." It said.

Alucard regarded the ghoul curiously. "So you can speak as well?"

The ghoul chuckled. "I am known as Severen. And I'm not your ordinary ghoul. I am, what my master calls, a living ghoul. I'm far more efficient than those soulless walking corpses with an imitation of a life."

Seras gulped, not liking the sound of this, but Alucard seemed interested in what Severn was saying. "A living ghoul, you say. I've never heard of such a thing. Sounds like Millennium's doing; creating new creatures of darkness."

Severen smirked. "Yes, Millennium. We did have some involvement with them in the past. Until we broke away. Now we're more powerful than ever."

"I'll be the judge of that." Alucard insisted.

He raised his gun and fired, but only hit air as Severen dodged the bullet. A ghoul he may be, but he was certainly a lot faster than one.

Seras took a step back as Severen suddenly appeared in front of her. He grinned evilly at her, showing off his fangs. "You look tasty, my little Draculina. I'd just love to take a bite out of that pretty little nose of yours."

He hissed at her. A moment later a bullet went straight through his head, knocking him over. Seras was showered in blood and the Thirst immediately kicked in. Alucard smirked as he watched in amusement at Seras' attempt to not give in to her vampire nature.

But the fight wasn't over yet. Severen was on his feet a second later. Though the bullet had gone straight through his head, clearly hitting the brain, he didn't seem fazed in the least.

"Fool, I can't die!" he declared, and charged at Alucard.

Alucard jumped in the air, right over Severen's head. He fired more holy rounds at the ghoul's back, but Severen merely stumbled. He whirled around and pounced, his jaws clamping down on Alucard's gun.

Severen grinned as his powerful teeth bit into metal. Alucard merely fired, blowing a hole in the back of the ghoul's head. But Severen just smirked and grabbed Alucard's arm. He released the end of the gun and went for Alucard's throat.

Alucard's fist connected with Severen's head. The force of the blow spun Severen's head nearly 360 degrees. But the ghoul didn't even go down. He released Alucard's arm just to reach up and twist his head back to its normal forward position.

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