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A/N: Hey guys! This is the ending of Bring Me Back and I am literally so sad. I think that this is one of my most successful stories and I cant even put into words how grateful I am. Thanks for sticking with the weird updating schedule and my sometimes not up to par writing but I love you all so much and I hope to see you in some of my other stories. I am grateful for every comment and vote that was mad on this I am so incredibly happy to have you all. Shout out to my commenters: tatoosforlife1, SlimReaperKD7, jungkookbabyx, Morgavbvbvv1, Annoymous456, geetalesha, Simplicity_19, Taylormade239, JoyJamison, myARMYgirl03, and hannahjestina. thanks you so much! I cant put all the voters but thank you as well and the ones who added this story. This isn't that long but I think I did a good job of tying up loose ends. I started this in October 2018 so this is a 11 month story finally being finished. Enjoy! This note will be posted at the bottom too.

"Evaline Lily Salvatore, you better not be hitting your brother!"

It had been twelve years since they moved to Paris. Bonnie and Stefan had gotten married two years in and had Evaline soon after she was ten now. Then they had Ryan Noah he was six and she had just had their youngest Oliver Dylan. He was about a month old. They hadn't gone back to Mystic Falls at all and Bonnie was now a successful singer while Stefan was a mechanic. Rebekah had decided to buy a house and she lived in their neighborhood. She had met a nice guy at the Library she volunteered at and they had been married for six years, Rebekah had taken the cure soon after Stefan. They had twin girls both the age of five. Avonlea and Willow. Every holiday they would alternate which house they went to and their kids called the opposite family Aunt, Uncle, and their cousins.

"I'm not mom!"

She rolled her eyes and finished off the ham. Their friends from Mystic Falls were coming to Paris for Christmas and they'd be here in a few hours, but they were only coming Christmas morning. Rebekah and her family were already here, and the boys were watching football while the ladies were making Christmas Eve dinner. Every Christmas Eve they would eat at one of the two houses and come back to that same house in the morning. She was running a little late because she had been bombarded by fans in the grocery store.

She was just about to start kneading the cookie dough when she felt two arms wrap around her waist and lips gently kissing her neck. She giggled and turned around in her husband's arms before kissing him sweetly on the lips.

"Hey, how're you doing?"

"I'm good sweetie, I love you."

He smiled and kissed her on the nose. "I love you too."

That night the two family's enjoyed dinner and talked. And the next morning the kids woke up to a gigantic pile of presents. While Rebekah was human now, she has a lot of wealth still though. Wealth that they would never run out of and the money would most likely follow the two family's for generations. And of course, the Salvatore's had plenty of money as well so money would never be a problem, since they were virtually rich. Not to mention the fact she was a celebrity.

Then their friends came, it was awkward, but they had a good time. They got to meet the kids and they were already calling Damon "Uncle." He was not very happy about that. Bonnie and Stefan would go on to live a full and happy life together. The two family's kids grew up together and their already large family grew and grew. This was the ending of their story, but the beginning of a new one. 

A/N: Hey guys! This is the ending of Bring Me Back and I am literally so sad. I think that this is one of my most successful stories and I cant even put into words how grateful I am. Thanks for sticking with the weird updating schedule and my sometimes not up to par writing but I love you all so much and I hope to see you in some of my other stories. I am grateful for every comment and vote that was mad on this I am so incredibly happy to have you all. Shout out to my commenters: tatoosforlife1, SlimReaperKD7, jungkookbabyx, Morgavbvbvv1, Annoymous456, geetalesha, Simplicity_19, Taylormade239, JoyJamison, myARMYgirl03, and hannahjestina. thanks you so much! I cant put all the voters but thank you as well and the ones who added this story. This isn't that long but I think I did a good job of tying up loose ends. I started this in October 2018 so this is a 11 month story finally being finished. Enjoy! This note is posted at the top too.

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