Chapter 8

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Bonnie flipped through the pages of the dusty grimoire. Klaus had been kind enough to allow her to use the grimoires he had left in Mystic Falls. Rebekah had gone out to get them food as she expected that they would be here for a while. So many different things could have been the reason for the man being immune from her magic.

A protection charm maybe? A talisman? Were the ancestors helping him, or some other dark being? Bonnie's thoughts were all over the place and the words on the pages were blurring together as she turned page after page. It just didn't make any sense. She didn't mean to brag or anything, but her magic was powerful. She had practiced with some of the most powerful witches in the world. It just wasn't very likely that someone would be able to hold off her magic. She channeled expression, and dozens of other types of magic, so even if it was a protection charm it wouldn't be able to protect against all those types unless it was very specific. The man had known who she was and had a goal. To kill her.

Bonnie barely even registered Rebekah coming in with food. Rebekah put the food in the middle of the table and picked up a book.

"You got anything yet witch?" Rebekah asked.

"No not yet. It's just so frustrating. It could have been a protection charm, but it would have to be specific." Bonnie said back, not bothering to look up from the book.

"Is it the ancestors? They would know the type of magic you use. They could guide someone along to make a charm that powerful. And they do have a grudge against you."

"Perhaps. But oh, I don't know. But whoever it is their going to have to deal with the consequences. No one comes after a Bennett witch and gets away with it."

"I like the way you think. Well then, we mustn't delay. Let's figure out who it is and make them regret the day they would ever come after you."


Bonnie's eyes slowly opened. Ugh it smelled like moldy books. As Bonnie lifted her head, she realized she was laying a mountain of books. Well that explains the mold then. Rebekah and she must have fallen asleep while looking through books. And they still had found nothing as to how a protection charm could be that powerful or what else could have been the cause of her magic not working. They also wondered if maybe the person or another witch made it so she couldn't use magic in that specific area. They were going to go check it out today, because if it was the spell would take a while to wear off.

A knock on the door to Rebekah's mansion pulled her from her thoughts and back into the real world. Bonnie groggily got up and made her way to the door. When she opened it she wasn't surprised to see Stefan.

"Hey," Bonnie said, her lack of sleep evident in her voice.

When she noticed him looking at her clothes she blushed when she remembered that she had borrowed some of Rebekah's night things. She was wearing a black spaghetti strap tank top that was almost cropped and short pajama shorts. And her hair was probably a rat's nest. Bonnie pulled up her hair into a quick ponytail.

"Sorry, didn't get to run home, borrowed some of Rebekah's things."

"No, it's fine. Um, I was just wondering if you were okay?"

"Oh yeah, or course. Stefan I've experienced actual death before. I'm okay." She paused for a second and opened the door a bit more. "Do you want to come in? We still haven't figured out a reason for my magic not working. Rebekah and I fell asleep in a pile of grimoires."

"Uh yeah sure."

Bonnie let him in and closed the door behind him. When they got back to the table, Bonnie shook Rebekah awake, who then muttered something about needing to brush her clothes and dress her teeth. When Rebekah was upstairs. Stefan and she got to work. Stefan took a pile of books to the other side of the table and Bonnie reopened the book she had been reading last night.

Just when she was about to turn the page a spell caught her eye. It was a landscape spell. It was a magic blocker. This then reminded her what Rebekah and she were going to do today and muttered a curse in frustration.

"You okay?" Stefan asked.

"Yeah it's just Rebekah and I were going to go back to the place to see if it was a magic blocker."

"Well I can take you." 

"Are you sure?"


After leaving a note for Rebekah they went to his car and set off to the place where she was nearly killed.

A/N: A slightly longer one to make up for the last one and my delay in posting another chapter. Happy Valentines Day! By the way this fanfiction is a slow burn for Stefonnie. I don't want to rush it. 

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