Chapter 6

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A/N: So I'm finally updating when I said I would. That's a surprise, I know. But I hope you all like this chapter!

A loud ringing woke Bonnie up. She groaned and blindly answered the phone.

"Hello?" She said with a yawn.

"Hello, Bonnie?"

"Rebekah hey."

"Am I waking you up from a one night stand? You little witch. Why didn't you tell me?"

"No Rebekah, you're not waking me up from a one night stand."

"What a shame."

"Hold on Bekah I've got another call coming in. Give me a second?"

"Fine. But make it quick. I need to schedule mani-pedis."

Bonnie rolled her eyes and answered the call.


"Bonnie hey!" Caroline's shrill voice answered. "The gang wants to have dinner. We don't know when you're going back to London so we wanted to have it as soon as possible. As sort of a welcome home party."

"Oh um. Sure Caroline, just this once."

"Yes! Okay I'll send you some information!" Caroline said with excitement. "See you then!"

Bonnie went back to the other line.

"So, how do you feel about dinner?"

Bonnie and Rebekah sat in the car, outside of the Salvatore boarding house.

"I'm nervous," she said quietly, but of course Rebekah heard her.

"Don't worry if Damon tries anything, I'll snap his neck."

Bonnie's lip twitched.

The two girls walked side by side by the door then Bonnie reached up and knocked.

When Elena answered the door her defenses immediately went up.

"Bonnie...and Rebekah," she said nervously. Damon stepped up behind her. "What a...pleasant surprise."

Rebekah smiled sweetly at her. Then pushed past Elena and Damon and into the house, dragging Bonnie with her.

As soon as Bonnie entered the house she felt a sense of nostalgia.

How many spells had she done here? How many times had she argued with Damon or stole some alcohol? Of course the alcohol did not help with her growing depression.

When Rebekah and Bonnie entered the living room, she wasn't surprised to be met with the shocked faces of Caroline, Tyler, and Stefan.

"Bonnie?! What is she doing here?" Caroline asked.

"I'm here to make sure Bonnie isn't forced into becoming your slave again. Oh and emotional support."

"Hi everyone. I'm here so let's talk."

"I started in Japan. I met a woman, a witch named Kana. She helped me control my powers and taught me many other types of magic. I went to South Africa and Germany. Madagascar, Australia, Iceland, Moscow, until I made my way to London. I met so many witches that taught me all kinds of magic," she told them. "Like Marya and Akilina in Moscow. Alfdis, Arna, and Birta in Iceland. Ella and Alyne in Australia and Arwa and Melia in Madagascar. Sophia and Ada in Germany. Amahle and Lesedi in South Africa. And in London I'm going to go to college with this witch I met that became my best friend. Anna is her name. I just came back Mystic Falls to get some legal papers that the college needs. And I wanted to say goodbye to my grams, one last time. I also had to sell her house. My life here just brings me bad memories. My grams dying, my mom leaving, being taken over by expression, and tormented by Silas. Not to mention being constantly used for my powers. Even if using them...was killing me."

They had all silently listened. Caroline looked guilty and sympathetic. Elena looked...bored? Stefan and Damon's expressions were hard to read and Tyler looked guilty as well.

"I'm so sorry Bonnie," Caroline said wiping away some tears.

Rebekah rolled her eyes and Bonnie gave her a warning look. Rebekah just smiled.

"I'm not staying. I've convinced Rebekah here to come stay with me in London for a while."

"Please Bonnie...just-just stay," Caroline begged.

"I stay for one more week. I'm grateful that you still want to be friends and I hope that we can back to that point at some time. But Elena hasn't even said anything. She clearly doesn't want me here based on what I was hearing at the Grill the other day. Damon and Stefan are well, Damon and Stefan. All they care about is Elena and that's fine. I'm not looking for compassion. I can take care of myself and no one not even the Salvatore brothers is going to push me around. I've changed and you can hate me or love me but I'm a Bennett witch so you're all sure as hell going to show some respect."

They all slightly gasped at that, except for Rebekah who had a smug smirk on her face.

Bonnie stood up. "I think I'll pass on dinner. But good talk."

Bonnie and Rebekah walked out the door, the door magically slamming behind them.

Bonnie was not to be messed with.

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