Chapter 3

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Bonnie angrily packed her things back up. How dare he be mad? They used her for years. They used her to keep the doppelganger safe. And for what? One more pretty face? Yes she had been willing at first because Elena was her best friend. But with the Salvatore brothers came a selfish side to her that Bonnie had never seen.Or maybe never chose to see.

Bonnie went to open the door when she came face to face with Rebekah Mikaelson.

"What are you doing here" she asked.

"Just came to visit an old friend," Rebekah replied.

"Rebekah we are many things, friends not being one of them," she said, pushing past her. "I'm leaving any way never to be seen again."

"Good. I never thought the Doppelganger was worthy enough for you to bow to."

Bonnie paused for a second. "Well its a good thing now, neither do I," then Bonnie kept walking and got in the car. As she looked back to where Rebekah once stood, there was nothing. All Bonnie could think about was the weirdness of their conversation. Since when did Rebekah respect her, better yet, since when had she been semi nice?

When Bonnie got to the airport and stood waiting for her group to be called an attendant stepped up to the microphone and announced that the flight was now canceled due to unforeseen circumstances and that they would board people in the airport hotel until the next flight was available tomorrow.

Bonnie sighed in exasperation. Would Mystic Falls ever let her go?

Elena's POV

Elena rolled her eyes as the Salvatore brothers fought about what to do about Bonnie.

To be honest she was really getting irritated. So what if Bonnie stayed? And why did they care so much?

"I say we approach her now," Damon said again.

"We need to give her time Damon," Stefan replied.

"What for?" She asked.

"Are you forgetting the reason she left Elena?" Caroline asked her.

Elena rolled her eyes.

"Stefan she's getting on a plane and leaving," Damon said, making gestures with his hands.

"Then we stop the plane from leaving," Stefan told him calmly.
Bonnie's POV

When Bonnie got into the hotel room she was surprised to see Damon, Elena, Caroline, and Stefan.

"I don't suppose you're the reason I couldn't board my plane due to 'unforeseen circumstances'?"

"That'd be me witchy," Damon said with a smug grin.

"Listen. I'm going to make this very clear. I don't care about any of you anymore. You all used me for years. I'd rather be stuck in a room with the Mikaelson's than stay in Mystic Falls."

"Bonnie-," Caroline started.

"No Caroline, no. Now get out, before I make you,"

They all nodded in defeat. They all left except for Stefan. "Bonnie? I'm sorry."

Then he left. And Bonnie sat on the bed, tears filling her eyes. Why did his apology mean more than she thought it would?

When Bonnie woke up she saw that she had a text. It was from Caroline.

Please consider staying. Just for a week.

Bonnie sighed then saw another message. And the name that popped up surprised her in ways that almost made her want to laugh. It was Rebekah.

Let's do lunch. Mystic Grill 9 am.

One more week couldn't hurt.

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