Chapter 16

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A/N: Hey guys this is the last chapter but there will be a teary eyed note at the end of the epilogue. Enjoy! This will be posted at the end too.

So, admittedly it wasn't a great idea to go after her enemy on her own but whatever. And so, here she was tied to the wall as the person she would have never thought would be her assailant looked her in the eyes.

"Why Kana?"

Yes, it was Kana who attacked her. And do you want to know who her sister is? Why it's Aria! Yes, that Aria.

"Well, about two months before I met you, I was given the task to kill you.

"The ancestors are behind it though in actuality. Bonnie do you know how special your blood is?"

Bonnie shook her head in confusion.

"Bonnie your blood is the cure to vampirism."

A light gasp escaped her lips.

"Bonnie, the ancestors don't want them to be human, they want them dead. And if they can't track their vampiric signature then they can enforce "justice" upon them as they so desire.

"When I came upon you being attacked by one of my lackeys it was the perfect situation. I taught you all you know, well most, because I wanted to be able to know what you were capable of so you could be more easily beaten in the end, of course it wasn't that effective because after Japan, you decided to get more training from other witches. The ancestors gave me the job and granted me the power to charm the bracelet. I gave it to my sister and I'm sure you know her story. And the rest is history. I came to Mystic Falls to kill you Bonnie. But unfortunately, you weren't there. So, I had to be nice to your little vampire friend and find you."

"I don't get it Kana. What was in it for you? What is in it for you?"

"Eternal life Bonnie, don't you see? No witch has ever gotten the power of immortality. And now after thousands of years of others getting the chance, its finally time for witches to get that chance."

"If my blood is the cure for vampirism then how have any of the other vampires that have drunken my blood stayed in their state?"

"Because it's a voluntary reaction that you have to make. If your intention is to cure them then they will be cured. If not, then your blood is normal. The only reason you got like this is because you got over expression, it is so rare for a witch to do that and survive let alone go on with their witchy duties that this has never been seen before until now."

"So what? You're going to kill me now or something?"

She smirked. "That's exactly what I'm going to do."

She went to most likely raise her hands and kill Bonnie, but Bonnie is usually one step ahead. So, she broke out of the laughable magical bonds and muttered in Latin.

Kana didn't seem to realize what was happening and suddenly she stopped and stared at her in fright. Her hands started to fade away into dust and it followed up her body until she fell, leaving only a pile of dust behind to show evidence that she ever there. Her sister covered her mouth with her hand and watched in shock as she faded too. (This is like from the Avengers when they fade into dust).

Bonnie dropped her hands and slowly made her way home.

One year later

"Are you sure about this Stefan?" Bonnie asked.

They were in Paris at their first apartment together and Rebekah was living next door, though she practically lived here anyway.

"Bonnie, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, my mortal life."

Right now, Bonnie was preparing to feed him the cure.

She nodded and brushed her hair back. She cried out when his fangs punctured the skin on her neck. He drank minimally. When he pulled away, she gently kissed him on the lips and then rested her forehead on his.

"I love you."

"I love you too," he whispered.

This may be an ending of a story, but it was the beginning of theirs. 

A/N: Hey guys this is the last chapter but there will be a teary eyed note at the end of the epilogue. Enjoy! This was posted at the top too.

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