Anjola shook her head, in disdain. “It would seem like these women don’t know that the essence of gossiping, is violating privacy of people and prying into their personal matters?”

“I know right,” Delano shrugged. “Anyway, it would seem some misguided soul went to spill the news to Zoe herself, on a day she visited. Probably a newbie, who didn’t know she was the one being gossiped about. The newbie in question didn’t show up for work, throughout last week so speculation is that she got sacked. But what do you know, she could be dead in a ditch or something. Everyone knows better than to mess with children of powerful billionaires.”

“What a shame? How does the newbie explain to her friends and family, that she got sacked because of gossiping, anyway? That’s just something anyone would be too embarrassed to tell even their closest friend.” Anjola replied, before stooping lower to retrieve a document from the bottom shelf of her desk. She held out the blue, laminated report to Delano and went on to elucidate, when it left her hands. “That’s the report. Prepared it since Friday, but I had to rush out in the evening, and you weren’t around so I couldn’t get it to you on time.”

“No problem,” Delano said, as he flipped through the report speedily—with his thumb brushing through the edges of the white pages. “How was your evening though? Did it go well?"

Panic gripped her, causing her to stammer. “F—Friday evening?”

“Yes, it was Friday you mentioned, is it not?” Delano’s brows creased, so that they were tightly cinched over the bridge of his nose, when he looked up from studying the document to face her. “How was your night on Friday? How did it go?”

Anjola was rendered bemused and disorientated by Delano’s question. He was going on to inquire on the details of Friday evening, the very time frame in which her date with Lekan took place. It was no mere coincidence that he’d casually ask her about the night in question—especially, since it would make more sense for him to ask about her previous night and not that of Friday, if it was simply out of pleasantry obligation. He knew about what transpired somehow, hence his question. If she had anticipated, she’d find herself in such quandary early in the morning, she wouldn’t have bothered cosseting his trivial banter.

“Well,” She swallowed hard, and swabbed away beads of sweat forming on her forehead. She gave the guys behind Delano, a perfunctory look of help but noticed the mischief glinting in their eyes, as they studied her. Were they responsible for this? Had they gone to rat her on to Delano about her budding romance with Lekan, behind her back? Was that what they had been discussing, when she stepped into the room? “It was good, nothing much…happened really. We talked, went out for a meal and departed to our respective homes afterwards.”

We?” Delano looked totally dumbfounded, and it wasn’t just him. Adaure and Ehize exchanged curious glances also, and flashed her incongruous looks. What? Didn’t they know what was happening? At the moment, she couldn’t string together lucid thoughts that would form a cohesive narrative, as to what exactly was happening? “So your night was eventful, huh? Who is this we, you’re talking about? New boyfriend?”

Oh, God. What have I gotten myself into?

She figured she was so pale with disquietude, because Delano desisted from his inquisition. “Sorry, I don’t mean to pry, but I was only asking how your night was on Friday, because you said you had to rush out. My brain just interpreted it that you had an emergency or something, and so you had to leave abruptly. Hence, the question. Didn’t know you were on a date or anything.”

Anjola didn’t know if it was her paranoia at work, but enmity seemed to seep into Delano’s voice, towards the ending of his words. Great job Anjola, she scolded herself. The one thing she wanted to keep away from Delano, the ugly truth that she had someone else in her life—she had gone on to tank it, and told him straight up. And now he’d probably hate her, maybe. His laid back posture had even vanished, and was replaced with what seemed to be fury hardening his body.

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