chapter 45.

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As i write this, I'm snapchattin and watching strictly waiting for doctor who to come on. So i'm sorry for any stupid mistakes in advace.


Zoe's POV;

I sigh and flop down onto an empty seat on the bus; nobodies really around, Its the middle of a work day, what do you expect? I stare out the window, and watch the brown leaves swirl around the kurbs, muddy puddles line the road. What bus am I even on? Where am i going? I sigh, not sure what I'm even doing.

My hear says to go find Destiny and have it out with her.

But my head says to go to the boys, they know Brad..They'll help.

Although I just want the truth, and if he has cheated i can just go on with my life with my babies; I also want to hear her say it. Want her to say she was the one who started it.

I dont want Brad to have cheated; I just want her to be the one at fault.

I pull out my phone, and quickly type a text:

To; Trissy Wissy, Connor Ball Boy, GYM James

Who knows Destiny's address? x

My phone quickly buzzes with replies,

from; trissy wissy,

Why? x

from:Connor Ball Boy

You best not be doing anything stupid Zoe. x

From:GYM James,

Oh its that one on that road off the shops, 33 or something. x

wait, why?

Typical James, Doing before thinking. I sit back and try to think about where he means. There's millions of shops, Where is there a road off the shops? Must be a local type, nowhere near town. I start to scroll through Destiny's twitter, Her dumb minded tweets making my blood boil.

A tweet catches my eye, an extremly ugly selfie of her 'tanning', what after she pours a bottle of fake tan over herself? She was in her garden, and the back of the house is what hits the memory banks. I know them houses.

Then it hits me, they were where I did a photoshoot for someone's kids once; and thats when i know where i need to go.

----------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ------

Walking down the road, the sun shining on my face. I look at all the house numbers. 29..31..33.

I swallow, taking deep breaths, and begin to walk up the driveway, the pebbles crunsching under my feet.

I knock on the door, and hear the sound echo. A few seconds pass and i hear the sound of the door unlocking, oh god.

Could I run?

no..God sake Zoe why didnt i take cross country at school.

"oh hi" She snarls, leaning against the door frame.

"I think we need to talk" I say, staring her in the eyes.

"What about?"

"you know full well"

"Oh, Brad" she smirks, "I think I'm pregnant you know"

"Think? Pregnancy tests exist"

"oh i know, I'm just waiting until i can fake the dates, say its Bradley Boo's"

"So it isn't his"

"Hell no. But it gets me all the fame and money i need. aw half brother or sister!" she screeches, and i wince.

"Why'd you sleep with him then? I've never done anything to or against you. All I want is my family to be safe and Happy"

"Oh come on sweetie, " She smirks again "well, first, hella good money from publicity, hey even this baby. and second, He called me. " And this sentance makes my stomach drop. He called her; he chose to cheat...

But i'm shocked by what I hear next, "Listen, Yeah I'll get money because i'm having his baby - "

"but you're not"

"no one else knows that, But i'll get even more fame from being with him. So you're going to take you bratty kids and leave him. "

But Baby (Brad Simpson fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now