13. Terrible Wingmen

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Friday had come and Steve had taken to hiding in his room all day. It was his way of coping with his nervousness and the fact that he's so close to going on his first date in about seven decades. The endless thoughts of what could go wrong make him grab a pillow and shove it in his face only to then proceed to groan into it.

With an hour and a half left to spare, Tony and Sam head to Steve's room. They walk in after knocking and find America's golden boy groaning into his pillow.

"You doing alright there, man?" Sam asks. Steve sits up after grumbling a "no," ready to hear what the two had planned.

"So, we decided it's best to take her for a simple dinner. We chose-"

"I," Sam cuts Tony off, holding a finger up. "I chose," Sam says with a victorious grin.

"Anyway, it's not too quiet and not too loud. You'll be able to listen to her talk. Old fashioned just for you, gramps." Steve's eyebrows knit together when Tony finishes.

"It took you guys two days to come up with that?" He asks dumbfounded.

"Oh, no. Sam did everything, I was just thinking of all the things that could go wrong, which provided a good laugh for me." Tony says. Steve fights the scowl that wants to escape his lips.

"Okay. Enough of that. It's 5:30. You have to get ready. Go, go, go." Sam pushes his friend toward the bathroom.

It takes approximately thirty minutes for them to bicker over what suit Steve should wear before they all agree on a simple black suit with a matching black tie.

"Look at that. Our boy is all grown up." Sam fakes a sniffle, hand pressed to his chest when Steve walks out of the bathroom.

"Shut up, Sam." Steve chuckles, walking over to the full body sized mirror in the corner of the room. He slips on the dress shoes and slicks his hair back as he usually does.

The remaining hour goes by fast and after several pep talks from Sam and the usual crude banter from Tony, Steve begins to head to the door.

"Oh, wait! Almost forgot." Sam walks over to him. "Here you go, bud." He hands him one of the ear comms they use for missions.

"What? What's this for?" He asks, looking at both of them. Tony shrugs his shoulders, having no clue as to what is happening.

"Consider it moral support. We're going to be parked at the corner of the restaurant and we'll be there for you whenever you need us." Sam's hand touches the top of Steve's shoulder, a proud grin on his face.

"Excuse me, what?" Tony asks eyebrows raised in surprise and finger held up to object. "No. I never agreed to this."

"Too bad," Sam snickers at the glare Tony sends his way. "Don't worry about us. We got this. Vanilla Crush and Chocolateccino."

Tony sighs and shakes his head. "And that is why we are not friends."

"Shut up, Stark."

Steve places in the comm in his ear and rushes out the door to meet Reigna. "You go, gramps." Tony cheers while he and Sam rush to one of the black SUV's to head to the restaurant.

Steve inhales deeply and nods to himself. You can do this. His fist slowly comes up and knocks on the door. He takes a step back after the third knock and patiently waits. Seconds later, Reigna opens the door and her warm smile only makes his heart beat faster and his breath to easily get caught in his throat.

"Wow, you look..." His eyes take in as much of her as he can. She's wearing a sleeveless burgundy velvet dress with a slit on the right side that flows down to the top of her ankles and her right leg exposed. Black heeled sandals accompany her feet and his eyes trail back up. Her chestnut colored hair falls down to the top of her shoulder is soft waves. "stunning." he finally breathes out to which she softly laughs and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear.

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