7. Coordinated

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The team quickly scrambles to get into their gear. Reigna takes a deep breath and tightens her hold on her sword. This is it. Thor, Tony, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Steve, and Reigna aboard the Quinjet, heading to the coordinates Maria had provided.

"You ready for this?" Reigna slightly jumps forward when Natasha speaks from behind her. Her golden boots make clangs against the steel floor of the aircraft as she turns to face the redhead. Natasha is clad in her full body black suit, the plastic appearing lining shinning an electric blue and more than ready to blast at any opponent.

Reigna releases a shaky breath as she nods. "I hope so." She was thankful for the headdress because it was most definitely stopping the beads of sweat from dripping past it. Nervous sweat, of course.

"Alright, we have a window." Clint informs them as they approach the warehouse. The Quinjet is lowered down to two feet above the height of the fence and the team heads for the exit. However, the mass of bullet proof vests clad men that run out of the rusty warehouse and the whistles of bullets flying by and the sharp impact of them hitting the sides of the Quinjet force them to retreat. Reigna's soft curls bounces with every dodge and turn she makes to not get hit by a bullet.

Clint is quick to elevate the aircraft and hurries to close the giant door. However, one bullet manages to enter through the closing door and if it weren't for Reigna instinctively putting her arm out, the bullet would have pierced Bruce's chest instead of meeting the practically indestructible metal of her bracelets, the now crushed bullet falling with a couple of bounces on the floor.

"T-Thanks," Bruce gulps, eyeing the bullet that wouldn't have killed him or hurt him much at all, but it was still a bullet. Before Reigna could respond, the Quinjet takes a hard turn which causes them to stumble back.

"Alright, Clint, bring us back. I'll go in first and distract them," Tony walked to the edge of the exit. The slick breeze of the door opening makes everyone squint their eyes. The iron bottoms of Tony's suit clash with the ground with every step. "Rogers, you got the serum?" He briefly turns his head to see Steve holding up the syringe containing the almost grey liquid filling the small plastic container up to three quarters of the day. With a nod, Tony flies out. Swift twists and turns to dodge the fast coming bullets.

Clint switches to letting JARVIS take the wheel. He picks up his quiver, pulling the black leather strap over his shoulder and taking a firm grip on his bow.

"I'm gonna need a lift," He says as they prepare to jump out of the aircraft. Natasha steps forward with her hand raised.

"Yeah, me too." Despite the dangerous situation they stand in, there was still room for the chuckles that left their lips.

"You guys do know I can't take these guys alone, right?" Tony says through the comm.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road." Thor grabs Clint with a firm grip on the back of his vest, he throws Mjolnir while grasping its leather thong and they safely land on the ground. Though, he takes note to tease Clint later of the squeak he releases when he was wrenched off the jet.

Reigna turns to look between Natasha and Steve, knowing neither can fly. Natasha's hair swings with her swift turn to face Bruce. Meanwhile, Reigna lifts her shield up and above her head, stringing it to its rightful place on the back of her armor.

"Don't turn green," Bruce nods at her cooed warning. Natasha turns back around and touches the ear comm. "Tony, I'm gonna need a lift." With that, she jumps out of the exit and Reigna instinctively takes a step forward, swearing she could feel her stomach drop at the sight of Natasha just flinging herself off like it was a foot drop. A sigh of relief leaves Reigna's lips when she sees the short strands of red hair ruffle in the wind as she holds on to Tony's iron clad foot, the corners of her mouth turning up into a impressed smirk.

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