"It is may I ask if this is the university's first visit here?" I asked

"It is and we're so glad to recruit your friend he shows great potential" the man smiled and I nodded and walked to my car. Oddly enough it felt like I'd been here before maybe because I was but knowing that blonde bimbo wasn't who Tyler said she was kinda relieved me knowing I wasn't so paranoid after all and I can say truthfully we broke up over something other than distance. I may think at this moment I'm okay with it but I was hit with feelings the moment I walked in my front door I was luckily alone but this time I decided not to reach for my handy dandy alcohol but instead feel what I needed to feel without the help of a cloudy mind. I curled up into the smallest ball possible and just cried on the couch trying to think of signs but looking back in my mind there were none, not even one I should've taken as a warning. He never flirted with girls or became distant he was by my side the whole time and made me feel special and actually okay in some aspects of my life rather than stressed or worried like usual. I bawled my eyes out and then there was a small knock on the door. Parker always answers the door because I get freaked out most of the time when I don't know who it is but I bucked up even though the tears were streaming from my face but surprisingly nothing mattered to me right now and I walked over and swung the door open to find Mikaela.
She immediately engulfed me in a hug so tight I couldn't breathe but it felt good

"I'm so sorry Liz I should've known his meeting wasn't on Friday," she said patting my hair down in the back

"You couldn't of known" I cried

"I don't understand though I never thought he would actually cheat," Mikaela said and loosened the hug slightly

"Neither did I," I said scoffing

"At least I got most of it out already since I technically already cried about it Friday" I laughed wiping away my tears

"Don't worry I'll make him feel as miserable as possible when I help him pack tonight." she laughed

"Well thank you very much" I sniffed and went to grab some water

"Is Parker not home?" She asked

"No, I'm not sure where he went actually," I told her walking to my room and grabbing the biggest hoodie I owned to comfort me

"Liz I've gotta go in 20 minutes but for now let's just watch TV" Mikaela said and held my hand to drag me to the couch where I sat and laid my head on her shoulder. We sat and watched the Office and I let a few tears fall while Mikaela comforted me but 20 minutes is faster than you think and she made sure I was okay before she left. I felt worse being alone normally I would accept the fact I'm alone and relish in it but right now I just needed someone. I laid down in a ball on the couch and snuggled up against the edge and closed my eyes only for a second but I realized how tired I really was my eyes drooped and I fell asleep.

BAM the door swung open and I opened my eyes realizing how they were almost glued shut and I felt the puffiness

"Oh sorry" Ollie whispered when he saw me laying on the couch and everyone mimicked his low tone when they realized I was there Liam and Ollie went to Parkers room I assume to go grab their hockey crap

"Hey sorry we're gonna head out," Parker said when he realized I was there he walked over to me

"Oh yeah I'll just sleep" I smiled half-asleep half-dreaming

"Your allergies acting up or something?" Parker asked and I opened my eyes remembering everything

"Liz are you okay were you crying?" He asked genuinely concerned for once my heart froze I hate when people ask that damn question it makes me break down

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