Chapter 9: Someone Up There is On My Side, I Think...

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Look who's back....*cough cough*!

Thanks for all your patience! 

I've finally discovered it for a fact that electronics once dismantled, continue to malfunction repeatedly, no matter how many times you mend it. A new laptop was not even in my realm of thought, now it seems like it'll soon become a possibility...bleh...

My sob story apart, how have you guys been and what have you been upto? Besides being defeated by technology I've returned back to my childhood passion..reading. I was a bookworm and would eternally remain one! Disturbing me while reading is akin to committing a capital sin...still so many people do boss, my family...*sob sob*!!

Moving on, conversations are bold and italicized.

Video: The song is called 'I  Can See Your Halo by J2' and is used for the FMV of my current crack, 'The Untamed'

Have any of you seen it? Want to drool over it together? 'm always ready for more of Wangxian!

But let's get back to Neil and Avni first...


I don't want to go. I don't want to go. I really really don't want to go!

How old are you?

Old enough to know that I do not want to go to this party.

An old friend I had lost touch with, has invited us. Meeting her after such a long time is nothing short of a blessing for someone my age. you go naa. Who's stopping you? Why did you have to drag me with you?

You are my grandson and a famous one at that. Why won't I drag you along to show you off and brag about you?

Bebe...that's so not right! I'll feel like a meat on the block with all old aunties ogling me at this holi party.

'M sure you are used to all the ogling by now.

I'll get bored there between all you ladies. There'll be no one my age there.

My friend has a grandson who's almost your age. He and his friends will be there. So don't worry. You won't get bored.

Besides, your parents will be there as well. If you get bored, you can sit with them and chat. As per your projected image, no one will mind.

I really really really don't want to go.

Prakash...ab tu samjha ley isko. Mai to thak gayi!

(Prakash, I'm tired of handling reasoning with your unreasonable son. You habdle it now!)

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