Part VI

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Hey guys,

Thanks for waiting for me to show up!

I'm finally moved and unpacked...settling and getting used to the place will take a while. In the meantime, my car is giving me attitude...time for another change I guess...any recommendations?

Moving on to JTM, the heavenly mails are back!

Video: Mabel, Mad Love....because I love how it feels....


To: GoddessOfLove@lovematch.hevn

From: Cupid3@lovematch.hevn

Sub: Love is Not in the Air...Yet

Hiiiiiiiiiiii Dadimom!!

How are you? How's heaven?

How's dadu doing? Is Chitragupt uncle giving him any trouble?

'M fine as you can see. In fact 'm quite chipper!!

'M sure you must know it already, but I'll still tell you everything, from start to finish!

As you know, I arranged for Neil and Ananya to meet and for her to work for him for the next 3 months.

I had high expectations of meet, love, match but what happened instead was; meet, clash, divide!

I was royally pissed ...insanely mad ...inhumanly aggrieved! So much so, that I'd written a mail to you asking how I can get away with murder on Earth and to get dadu ready to come down and post my bail (it's a human thing; he'd know!), just in case.

Unbelievable, but true...I was furious! 'M not proud of my uncupidly thoughts but I couldn't handle the wrinkle in my well-thought out perfect plan.

But you dear dadimom, as always, proved to be my savior. That mail I wrote to you, the one that I could never click send on, proved to be caratheratic in unimaginable ways.

Writing to you felt like talking to you face-to-face. In that, I could vent my feelings of frustration and anger and helplessness. And that, helped calm my raging emotions and gained me perspective.

I realized the truth of your words. I finally understood that things don't always go as planned. And that does not mean that we have failed. It just means that we need to try again, perhaps by using another method or taking another route.

But leaving the job incomplete is not the way to go. Ultimately, it's all about persevering and finding new ways of doing things until you succeed.

Besides, this mission is about love, so how could I, Cupid, a representative of love, fail at it, that too after only trying at it, once.

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