Part II

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Hello beautiful people.

How was your Valentines Day? Did you do anything special or just the usual? Mine was as mundane as every other day of the week!

Btw, it's Saturday & 'm here with the next edition of the tale. This Part will hopefully clear ALL your confusion and might just manage to surprise you too!

So without further ado, here goes everything!!🤞🤞

Bold and Italicized words denote conversation.

Video: Adulting Can Wait! Tinder India....have you heard this amazing song? So spring summery right?

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The case files beckoned my curiosity so, that I forgot my favourite food, forgot that I was even hungry.

Have you...?

Shaking her head she replied before I could even complete my question, you know I don't touch case files that don't come to me.

With a nod I snatched them up and quickly devoured its contents. What I read in there stunned me. I looked up at my dadimom munching my sandwiches and yet could not wrap my head around what I had just read.

This is all wrong, I pushed the words past my reluctant throat.

What? Impossible!, reacted dadimom as expected. Your dadu never makes mistakes.

I know! That's why I'm even more surprised. In all these years of his working, dadu has never made a mistake, then how come this happened?

Dadimom sat there frowning while I flattened the carpet hair with my repeatedly heavy tread, sandwiches now laying in abandoned disarray.

First he brings me two cases that need to be worked on simultaneously and now this error.....what is happening?

I forgot to ask, what's the mistake?

The two couples...they are matched wrong!


Here, Case NK/03/15/17/022019/0085312 says, Ananya Parikh and Ali Raza Khan, whereas Case NK/03/15/17/022019/0085313 says Neil Khanna and Riya Mehta.

So? What's wrong with them? Isn't that how the case files always come?

The pairing is wrong!, I grounded out in frustration.


Yes! It should be Neil Khanna and Ananya Parikh, and Ali Raza Khan and Riya Mehta!

Oh! And how do you know this?, she inquired with thickly coated sarcasm.

I just know it. Call it instinct, call it the inherited matchmaking gene or call it divine power. However way you call it, I know the pairing is all wrong.

Besides, I am the God of Love. The 'Cupid', so I should know, I replied with all the authority that my 80,565 years as Cupid had instilled in me.

And your dadu is the original cupid! He has been matching up couples since the beginning of mankind, she snarked back.

You mean to say that he, the first-ever God of Love, is wrong about these two couples and you, who is not even a century old and hasn't found love himself, is right! Is that what you are telling me?, she asked me quietly this time.

Yes, that's what I'm saying!, I replied almost-on-the-verge-of-frustrating tears. Times like this, it was hard being a God of Love. My emotions were so precarious. And right now I needed to be collected not emotional for the upcoming confrontation.

We had both fallen silent. Our thoughts in too much of a turmoil to attempt light conversation.

Until dadu came home and sorted the matter out, both dadimom and me would be sitting in complete mysterious misery.

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Well...? What do you think? Did you catch the unexpected surprise? Do you like it?

This time I've made DD an actual Cupid!! He obviously thinks that it is Neil and Ananya, and Ali and Riya who should be a pair, but the Original God of Love doesn't seem to think so! Why do you think that is?

What do you think DD will do now?

Will The God of Love agree with DD or not?

Tell me what you think and we'll compare notes!

@Frreebird you picked up on the right clues & correctly guessed Dhruv's profession🤩🤩...Congratulations🎉🎊 ✨🎉🎊 !! You didn't know how Right you were!! Amazing!👏👏👏

Now for the bad news, as you all know my cousin's wedding is next week because of which there will be no update next Saturday.  

I'm sorry to do this to you at the start of the journey, but I really have no choice. 

I'll see you with Part III of JTM on 02.03.19 now.

Thank you for understanding!

Until next time then,

Happy Reading!😀

Jab They Met... (on Hiatus)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ