UkyoxReader: Revealing

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[Your POV]
You were on your way to the dojo to meet your cousin Xander. You wanted to surprise him and his friends. It had been about a year since you had last seen them. You had changed your looks and style since you had seen them too. You now had bleach blonde hair and a blue jacket with a purple shirt. Black leggings and purple flats. You walked into the dojo and snuck up on Xander. "Hi." You said hugging him from behind. He turned around and looked at you confused. "Who are you?" He asked. "You know me." You said. "No I don't. If I did I would recognize you." He said. "Fine. I'll tell you something that I know about you that proves that you should know me." You said. "Fine what is it." He gave in. "When you were 5 you got a scar on your left ankle from glass." You replied. "[Y/n]?" He asked. You nodded. "It's good to see you again. You look so different." He said. "Thanks I changed my look about 3 weeks ago." You said. You slightly noticed Ukyo out of the corner of your eye. You acted like nothing happened than when he was about to scare you from behind, you turned around and hugged him. "Hi Ukyo." You said. "Hi [Y/n]. Long time no see. You look great by the way." He said with slightly red cheeks. "Thanks." You replied with a small shade of red on your cheeks. "I missed you guys so much. Sorry I haven't visited recently, I'm doing concerts with Zac the Sunrise. So they keep me busy." You said. "Oh. It's ok. You're here now aren't you?" Quon asked kinda close to you. You nodded and smiled. "Well anyways it's good to see you again." Xander said. You liked Ukyo, but there was one problem, his boyfriend Yugo. Yugo was always over-protective of Ukyo, Ukyo started to get annoyed by how protective Yugo was of him. You understood how that felt. You got an idea but you were going to need the help of your dear cousin Xander. You walked in to see Yugo holding Ukyo in his arms as if he were a child. You rolled your eyes and walked over to Xander. "Xander can we talk outside please?" You asked. "Of course. What is it?" He asked once we got outside. "I have a song I want to perform. But, it is also meant to carry a message. Hopefully you guys get the message." You said. "Ok. When do you want to perform cause I got 6 friends coming to visit." Xander said. "1. Who are they. 2. I'll perform once they get here." You replied. "Their names are Valt Aoi, Honcho, Ken Midori, Daigo Kurigami, Shu Kurenai, and Wakiya Murisaki." He replied back. "Ok. Thanks. I want it to be a surprise for everyone. Especially Ukyo." You mumbled the last part. "Your welcome. And what was that last part?" He asked. "Nothing." You said fast. He shrugged and the two of you walked inside. A few minutes later Xander's friends walked in. "Hey." You said. "Are you new?" Valt asked. "No I'm Xander's cousin. My name is [Y/n]." You said hoping Valt and Shu would remember you. "You look different [Y/n]. It's a good different." Shu said. "Thanks Shu." You said smiling. "[Y/n]!" Valt yelled hugging you. "Hey Valt. I missed you too." You said hugging him back. "What about me?" Shu asked. "I missed you too Snowflake." You said hugging him. He laughed at the nickname and hugged back. "Hey [Y/n] how do you know these two?" Yugo asked. "Cause Valt, Xander, Shu, and I were friends when we were younger. Shu and I would always sit on the sidelines so I was closer to him then I was to Valt." You said. "Oh. Cool." He said back. I looked at the two blondies, and the two with black hair. "Let me guess. You're Honcho." You asked pointing to the taller blondie. He nodded surprised. "You must be Wakiya then." You said pointing to the other blondie. He also nodded surprised. "Making you too Daigo and Ken." You said pointing to each one as you said their name. They all looked surprised that you could guess their name. "I forgot to mention that she has the ability to read people and guess what their names are." Xander said giving a hearty laugh. "Now can I perform?" You whispered to Xander. He looked down at you and nodded. He gathered everyone into one room while you got ready to perform. When you were ready you came out. "What took so long?" Valt complained. "Hush. I'm going to perform a song. I hope you like it and I hope you also get the message." You said looking directly at Ukyo. You went to your phone and played the music.

While you were singing you looked at Ukyo and he was surprised. After you finished singing you walked to your phone and played music to another song.

After you finished singing you walked to your phone you played one last song.

When you finally finished with all of your songs you turned your phone off and walked over to the others. "That was really good." Valt said. "Thanks." You thanked him. "Where did you learn to sing like that?" Shu asked. "Take a guess." You smirked. "Was it Zac the Sunrise?" Daigo asked. You nodded. "He taught you well." Ken said. "Thanks Ken." You said. Out of the corner you had seen Ukyo run out after he pushed Yugo away from him. Yugo walked over to us really angry. You got a little scared since you haven't seen him this angry before. He grabbed your wrist roughly causing you to wince. He dragged you outside to talk. Now you had tears running down your face from the pain. When he finally let go you looked at your wrist to see a bruise starting to form. He slapped you hard across the face. "Ow! What was that for?!" You yelled holding your cheek. "Ukyo just freaking dumped me because he said he liked someone else at the dojo." He yelled. "And you think it's me?!" You asked. He slapped you again harder than the first time. "I know it's you cause he said some other girl!" He yelled. He walked away. "XANDER!!!!" You yelled crying on your knees. Everyone came rushing out to see what was the matter. "What happened?" Wakiya said before seeing the slap marks on my cheeks. Once they all saw the bruise on your wrist and the slap marks on your face they gasped. "What happened?" Xander asked more urgent. "Y-Yugo s-slapped me because he thinks that Ukyo dumped him because of me. And h-he g-grabbed my wrist really hard and caused the bruise on my wrist." You said while crying. They all pulled you in for a hug to try to comfort you. Ukyo had just turned the corner when he saw us and rushed over. "What happened?" He asked worried. "Yugo slapped her because he thinks that you dumped him because of her. And the bruise on her wrist was caused from him grabbing her roughly and dragging her out here." Quon explained. He hugged you tightly and you instantly relaxed. You all walked back inside and when you saw Yugo you flinched and grabbed Ukyo's arm. Yugo got really angry at the movement and came over. You hid behind Ukyo and Shu. They protected you from getting hit. "Yugo. This is not the way to deal with your breakup. Go to your room and relax." Xander ordered. "But..." He started. "NOW!" Xander yelled. You were surprised cause he doesnt usually yell at people. You ran out the door and hid in a tree to cry in. After a few minutes you jumped out of the tree only to be met by Yugo who was holding a knife. You gasped in shock. He came at you and you didn't know what to do so you ended up getting stabbed in the side. He walked away laughing. You stumbled inside the door and collapsed.
[Ukyo's POV]
We had been talking when we heard a loud thump at the door. We turned to see that [Y/n] had collapsed. Xander ran and grabbed her taking her to his grandpa. We all walked in to see that she was gaining consciousness again. When she woke up we all smiled. "What happened?" I asked. "I had cried for a few minutes in a tree then when I jumped out of the tree Yugo came and stabbed my side." She said sadly. Then they all walked out angrily. I stayed by her side. "I have something to tell you." I said. "What is it Ukyo?" She asked curious. "I want to tell you that I like you." I admitted blushing a deep red color. "I like you too Ukyo." She said kissing me quickly. I kissed back.

Word Count: 1528

I hope you enjoyed this part. Next up is YugoxReader.

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