HonchoxReader: What Are You Doing?

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Ukyo is your brother which means you both hide in the shadows easily.

[Your POV]
You were playing hide and seek with Valt, Honcho, Daigo, Ken, Wakiya, Xander, Ukyo, Yugo, Quon, Lui, Free, Orochi, and Shu in the forest. You were hiding in a tree since Honcho was it. You leaped from branch to branch until your foot got caught and you started to fall, you were about to hit the ground when someone caught you. You looked to see who caught you and saw that it was Honcho. "Thanks. But question. Am i it now?" You asked. "What were you doing? And no Valt is it." He replied. "I was jumping from branch to branch when suddenly my foot got caught and i started to fall. And why am i not surprised that Valt is it again. At first i thought Lui's hair would've given him away. But then again Valt chooses the simplest hiding spots." You reply laughing. "Just be happy that I caught you. Now we should probably hide before Valt finds us." He said. He set you down and you quickly climbed a tree and started jumping from branch to branch again. You had made it right over a lake where you could see Free hiding under the water. 'Genius.' You mumbled to yourself. You went back a few branches to see Valt headed towards the lake. I quickly got my phone and quietly texted Free about Valt heading his way. I went back to my spot ubove the lake to see Free quietly getting out and climbing up the tree I was in. "Thanks." He whispered. "Your welcome. And that was a genius move by the way. Hiding in the water." You whispered back. You guys looked down to see Valt looking around and then turning back and walking away. Honcho had come up behind you and scared you causing you to loose your grip but Free grabbed your wrist before you got to far away to grab. "Thank you Free." You said. "Your welcome." He said. "Nice job genius!" You whisper-shouted. Then you guys heard a surprised scream. It was Quon's scream. Then when we heard a pained scream is when we jumped out of the tree of course you didnt land and twisted my ankle. So Honcho picked you up bridal style and carried you. When we got to the others Quon was on Xander's back and Ukyo came rushing over. "What happened?!" He asked worried. "I'm fine I just didn't land right ok." You said. "She twisted her ankle." Free said. "She what!?" Ukyo said even more freaked out. "Thanks a lot Free. I didn't want him to worry so much cause otherwise he'll start hurting himself." You said. You all looked at your brother to see him start running into trees. Then you noticed something small, sharp, and shiny sticking out of the next tree he was about to run into. You jumped out of Honcho's arms and pushed Ukyo out of the way so he wouldnt hit it. "What was that for?!" He asked upset. "Look." You said pointing to the object in the tree. "Thanks sis." He said. "Your welcome now Quon and I need to get to Xander's grandfather to look at our ankles." You said. Honcho carried you most of the way to the dojo but occasionally you would be handed off to either Ukyo or Free. Once you and Quon got your ankles looked at neither of you could beyblade and Quon couldn't skateboard for a week. After the week was over the first thing you guys did was a team battle. Xander, Quon, Yugo, Ukyo, you, Free, and Lui against Shu, Valt, Honcho, Daigo, Ken, Wakiya, and Orochi. You battled Honcho first and you won. Then you battled Wakiya and won again. But you lost to Orochi. Ukyo and Yugo also lost to Orochi. But Lui beat him. Lui also beat Valt, Daigo, and Ken. Lui lost to Shu. Quon and Xander also lost to Shu. Now it was Free against Shu. Free won barely. You walked outside for a bit before Honcho scared you by coming up behind you. "I have something to tell you." He said. "What is it?" You asked. "I love you." He said kissing your cheek. "I love you too. Now dont tell Ukyo or he'll freak out again." You said laughing a little. "Ok. Promise." He said turning you around and kissing you. You guys didnt see basically everyone looking through the window and didnt hear Ukyo freaking out in the background.

Word Count: 776

Hope you enjoyed this part. Next up is WakiyaxReader.

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