Chapter Eight: Micro-Management (Alternative Ending)

Start from the beginning

"Lime and vinegar? Who eats those?!" the ghosthunter exclaimed, cringing at the smell, even though that was the least of his worries. Quickly, he launched his rockets but all they did was break the chips into smaller pieces, still affecting his sight. "Oh, for crying out loud!"

His eyes widened as the empty bag dropped on him, leaving him no time to run. Losing control, he crashed to the ground, but then, he quickly used his arm to slash through the paper bag, yelling with anger.

Danny took this as a chance to climb the rope right after Dash but realized things weren't going to be that easy. He looked down on the ground where Skulker was located and shared a worried look with Dash.

"We don't have much time!" the ghost exclaimed as he began moving his legs so that the rope swung closer to the top window and jumped, landing safely. The other teenage boy copied the same thing, but as he landed, his feet lost control and was about to fall backwards to the ground.

"I got you!" Danny cried out as he struggled to get him up but maintained position. "1...2...3!"

Fortunately, the ghost boy quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him up, the jock stumbling inside. However, at that exact moment, a section of his ghostly hair from behind reverted to it's original raven dark colour.

"Oh man, I'm one makeover away from revealing my secret identity. Good thing Dash is a total moron," he quietly murmured to himself as the two boys quickly quickly ran to the window and struggling, pushed it down. They knew that Skulker would be here any minute!

"We did it! What do you think we just fetched, proportionally?" Dash asked, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead to his cheek.

"I don't know dude, I'm not that good at math," Danny said with a raised eyebrow as Skulker quickly flew from behind.

"Soon, you won't be good at breathing either!" the ghost said but before he could say anything else, the rat jumped from inside the room and onto Skulker's arm. "Agh! Get off of me!"

The two took this as a chance and ran inside, spotting the tool that turned them minuscule.

"That's got to be the device," Danny said knowingly.

"And that's how we're going to get to it," Dash finished the shared thought as he pointed to the pizza with running cheese stretching all the way to the ground. The two ran down to the target place but before they can get to it, they heard a loud crash from the window.

"Thank you for opening the window for me," the ghost hunter smirked as he pointed his gun towards the rat. "Your services are no longer needed."

He blasted his weapon on the rat which glued him to the wall and then ran over to where the two boys were climbing. "You'll never be able to climb faster than me!"

The ghost laughed as he started climbing right after them, wearing an evil and determined look.

Danny climbed faster and finally reached the top, but as soon as he did that, he reverted back to his original form, the only ghostly thing left his green eyes. He touched his face and realized in horror that his identity might be revealed if he stayed any longer so he quickly ran inside the weapon hole.

Dash climbed after him and was met with no one on the other side. "Hey! Where'd you go?"

"I'm here," Danny said with obvious panic in his voice, waving his hand from inside the device. "I need you to pull the trigger, quick!"

"You okay in there?" Dash asked as he surveyed the weapon, getting closer...

"Just flip it to un-cram and push the trigger!" Danny yelled, shooting his famous green eyed glare as the blonde jock quickly backed up and ran to the top of the weapon. Meanwhile, Danny noticed that he had completely reverted to his human form and Skulker started nearing him.

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