Chapter One: Truth Or Dare

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Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom. I simply only own the plots


"Damn man. You look terrible!" Tucker exclaimed worryingly as Danny and his friends walked to their next period class, forcing their legs to continue the long journey.

Danny was indeed exhausted. After the box ghost managed to escape him three times and Skulker came back with new weapons, he barely got any sleep. All Danny wanted to do right now was ditch school and take a well-deserved nap. To make things worse, he didn't finish the literature assignment Mr. Lancer had assigned to him two days ago. He was sure that his typical excuse wouldn't work this time.

"Jeez, thanks Tuck. That makes me feel so much better," Danny sarcastically said, earning a comforting hand squeeze on his shoulder by Sam.

"Look at the bright side, Danny! We can get to class earlier this time!" The goth brightly stated, trying to cheer up the half-ghost boy.

Although that fact was assuring, Danny knew it wouldn't last long. It never does. He was one hundred percent sure that a ghost would have to interrupt the moment of tranquility he barely got these days.

"I doubt it. I'm going to try to be more positive though. I got three detention slips by Mr. Lancer this week alone! Doesn't he have better stuff to do than torturing his students? And the thing I hate the most is that guys like Dash get away with stuff like this all the damn time. Like, I'm sorry for protecting this town from ghosts," Danny grumbled angrily, sighing as he took out his books from his locker.

"Why don't you tell everyone your secret then? Wouldn't teachers be more lenient with you and gain respect from our classmates?" Tucker asked as the group walked to class, ignored by the rest of the students.

"Um, hello?! The guys in white chasing the ghost boy every chance they get? My parents wanting to rip me apart molecule by molecule? I'm honestly surprised with myself that I haven't required therapy yet. Do you guys even know the feeling where your parents want to get rid of you? Every. Single. Day," Danny exclaimed as a blue mist suddenly escaped his mouth, earning a sigh from his two best friends.

"So much for arriving early to class today," Sam murmured as Danny signaled to them to head to class without him and he quickly dashed to the washroom. As he was about to open the door, a certain buff blond bumped into him.

"Watch it, fenturd," Dash snarled, earning a tired sigh from Danny as he ran into an empty stall. He stopped himself from yelling out his battle cry and forced the blue rings to form around his waist, transforming him from top to bottom. Once Danny was sure that nobody was in the washroom, he turned invisible and slipped by the bathroom door.

Danny searched down the busy hallways when suddenly, the bell rang and the students scattered to their homerooms. The halls were now empty, not a ghost in sight. Danny decided to just go back to class after seeing that there wasn't a ghost nearby so he wouldn't get yelled at when suddenly, he's hit by an ectoplasmic gun.

"Long time no see, whelp!" a familiar voice growled, slight amusement in his voice. Danny turned around, holding his bruised shoulder from the sudden impact.

Great. Just what I needed, Danny mentally said before shooting an ectoplasmic ball back at one of Skulker's mechanic wings. Didn't he try destroying me yesterday? How much time does he have in his hands?

"Brought new weapons this time?" Danny asked dryly as they continued to fight, the atmosphere getting thicker by the minute. Skulker then used one of his new weapons to target Danny with a high energy shot. This caused Danny to crash onto the science classroom door, his shoulder coming in contact with the heavy door.

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