Chapter Four: Photoshop is a Pain

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A/N: Hey! So I'm sorry for the slow update, I had exams and I wanted to study and all so I can get a good mark. Plus, I have summer school starting on July 2 because I'm taking an extra course so I'll be quite busy as well since Canada day is July 1. But don't worry, I'll be updating more often because it's still summer break!

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom, I simply only own the plots.

By the way, the photo above is a post from Instagram that inspired me to write this story. Their Instagram is @casper_high_school


It was a Sunday night when Danny decided it was wise to play his favourite computer game with his best friend, Tucker. Although the two friends were supposed to be studying for their upcoming math test, they were stressed out by the number of ghosts that were appearing more frequently than usual in the past two weeks. Why? They still don't know but they didn't bother asking, knowing they were more likely to not receive an answer. Playing 'Doomed' always managed to bring their spirits up though which explained why the internet was bad today.

Danny was exhausted, and he tried to hide it from his parents, although that wasn't exactly hard, knowing he had Jazz to cover up using her psychological nonsense. His friends were aware of it and suggested that he take a break and let them fight some ghosts instead. And just two days ago, the whole trio took a break and let the Fenton's and GIW handle them while Danny caught up on sleep and school work. After all, his marks weren't the best and exams were coming up quicker than the number of ghosts exiting the Fenton portal.

Summer break was just one month away and Danny was excited. He was going to use the time to sleep and not stress over any school projects and books. Plus, he could use a break from his annoying classmates and obsessive ghosts.

But for now, he had to focus on his studies. Danny and Tucker both knew that they should be studying but they couldn't seem to take their heads off the game. Sam was also playing the game, which she proved was good at, but she had to leave an hour ago, saying she had to study and suggested they do the same. However, the two male friends ignored her and resumed their game, focusing on defeating the last pixel villain.

The clock was ticking and it was almost one am. Danny usually stayed up till three am playing this game, or fighting some ghosts, but he knew he had to stop soon or he would never get the sleep he needed.

Aren't we supposed to be studying for the math test tomorrow? Danny typed, quickly averting his attention to the game in progress.

Nah, I'll do it tmr morning. I mean, how hard can it possibly be? Tucker typed back as Danny paused the game, knowing they needed to take a break and talk some more about the small problem they were currently facing. Game addiction.

Idk man. Lancer's gonna kill us if we fail another test, me especially, Danny replied, not feeling so confident anymore about skipping studying.

I think your curiosity already beat him to it lol, Tucker typed, earning an eye roll from his friend. Did he ever mention that his friend had the worst jokes ever?

Haha, very funny Tuck. But srsly tho, we should probably listen to Sam... Danny typed back, after shaking his head annoyingly at his friend's joke.

And risk losing the last level left? Criminal. Come on Danny, it's for only 1 night, lightin' up a little man, his friend typed back, earning a groan by Danny. Oh, he was so going to regret this in the morning.


And he absolutely did.

The two friends spent last night, or should I say, early morning, playing 'Doomed' until three am. And if Danny hadn't convinced Tucker that they had a test to study for and that they'll have time tomorrow to continue their game, they would've gone up to six in the morning. Talk about procrastination at it's best.

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