Chapter Three: A Harmless Prank

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Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom. I simply only own the plots


It was just another normal holiday, or a special day anyway. Everybody was smiling, playing pranks on each other, especially the students of Casper High. They enjoyed the supposed 'holiday' as it brought laughter and joy to everyone, even if ghosts managed to attack every chance they got. It was a way to let out all the tension and stress from school work.

But two students enjoyed April Fool's the most, the two best friends famously known for their tricks, Danny Fenton and Tucker Foley. They not only played pranks on each other, but they found amusement playing pranks on other students and teachers, even though that meant getting wailed on by the one and only, number one bully, Dash Baxter. It was a day where the trio forgot about their ghost problems and focused on having fun instead.

So the day before April Fool's, the two best friends and even Sam, agreed on some good pranks to play on the students of Casper High, especially the bullies. They didn't care that they would get in trouble afterward, they just knew that it had to be done. The pranks were too good to pass. And now that Danny had ghost powers, they used it to their advantage. Although Danny was reluctant of using his powers for his selfish reasons, he knew these powers were meant to fight ghosts and save people, Tucker finally convinced him, explaining to him that it was a harmless prank and nobody would get physically hurt.

Sam, on the other hand, did not like the idea. She knew they would get in serious trouble somehow and she was worried. She knew their plan would work and that would be the problem, meaning Dash would know who the culprit, or culprits, are. Sure Dash barely passed his classes, but he was smart when it came to stuff involving his classmates. She tried convincing the two stubborn boys that it would not be wise to play such a dangerous game on him but, of course, the two boys wouldn't hear it.

However, the trio was oblivious to the fact that their school enemy was also planning something, a mischievous act. He even managed to get his best friend, Kwan, to join this 'evil' plan. It was going to be great. Dash knew that Danny would most likely play a prank on him and he found it only fair that he returned the favour. After that time Danny placed all of his pink stuffed animals in his locker and Fenton toilet paper, he still held a grudge against him and was finally going to let it all out tomorrow.

He knew his plan would work, as there weren't any flaws. He was sure that the boy wouldn't suspect a thing, as it was going to be a surprise. He couldn't wait to see the look on his arch-enemy! However, he had to be cautious in the next couple of hours of school. Danny would try to play a prank on him too, knowing the boy was capable of it. He was going to pay extra attention tomorrow so that he wouldn't let him embarrass himself again in front of the whole school.

As the two rivals planned their well-thought pranks, they were unaware of what tomorrow held for them. They were unaware of how... serious this prank could go. But what could happen? It was just a prank. A harmless one. They were sure nobody would get hurt and by nobody, that included themselves and their friends. After all, April Fool's was supposed to be a fun day. What could go wrong?



The next day was certainly different, and a good change from other days. The students were more cheerful, including Sam, and less boring than usual but of course who would be? Especially if it meant playing pranks on their least favourite teachers aka Mr. Lancer. Although the pranks weren't serious, they got a laugh or two from other people and it seemed that April Fool's will be better this year.

However, nobody's expression can compare to Danny's. He was beaming, his face screaming rainbows and unicorns, as if he had just won a trophy. Everybody knew he was planning something big, and not only to his bully Dash. And even if it wasn't necessarily a big prank, they were certain it was still a good one. Danny had the same look on his face whenever he was about to do something mischievous.

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