028. Bar Night and Problems

Start from the beginning


Gemini sat with the Avengers as the quiz started. The only reason she was thankful for Quiz Night was because nobody bought drinks until the break, unless you're smart and bring a bigger group 'Cough, Tony, Cough.' Gemini thought to herself.

She leaned her head on Bucky's shoulder tiredly as Joe began explaining the categories and asking the questions.

First category was TV shows. Gemini immediately pushed the paper into the middle of the table before shrugging: knowing it wasn't her. Clint ended up picking up the paper, getting ready to write.

The questions varied of current to 90s shows:

1) Finish this 90s theme tune: 'Now this is a story all about how...'

2) Who does Negan 'Lucille' in the Walking Dead?

3) Name Daenerys' son's name

4) Who is the ginger boy in Rugrats?

5) Name two 'ship' names of characters in the 100.

*A/N: Readers also play along if you know x*

Gemini rolled her eyes at Clint's incapability to answer the questions before snatching the sheet. "How in the hell do you not know the theme tune to Prince of Bel Air? Disgraceful behaviour." She replied disgusted.

Second category was current songs. Gemini sighed before sitting up slightly writing down the answers to each question Joe asked.

1) Name the city that is also a Camilla Cabello song.

2) Name the album by 5sos that contains songs Youngblood, Ghost of You and Want You Back.

3) What is the album name of Travis Scott's album containing SICKO MODE?

4) Finish the lyric: 'Tell me how's it feel sitting up there...'

5) Who was the rapper that was shot dead in June of this year?

Bucky glanced down at Gemini's writing, shocked at how much she knew about the questions.

"I feel like others are at a disadvantage because you know the questions to the quiz." Sam pointed out but Gemini shrugged.

"Sucks to be them." She replied simply.

"You're evil." Gemini nodded, agreeing with Sam.

The third category began and Gemini began to get bored, pushing away the sheet of paper before tapping against the table boredly. She began to space out from the questions just before she felt a hand being placed on her arm.

She turned attention to Bucky. "Are you okay?" He asked concerned. She nodded. "You sure." She nodded again vigorously. Bucky pulled the young woman into a hug and she sighed hugging onto his arm that was wrapped around her chest. She sometimes glanced up to the man before he looked down and smirked, both enjoying each other's company, partially forgetting the others were even there.


Gemini sat on her stool as she took another man's cash for their drink. Handing the man the change she sent a small smirk his way as he left to his seat. She glanced back to the Avengers table and laughed at Tony. He was holding the bottle of scotch that he'd taken from the bar whilst Gemini wasn't looking and posing with it as Natasha took picture after picture of drunk Tony. Gemini knew he would definitely regret that the next day when he remembered.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when Theo tapped her on the shoulder. She glared at him before he quickly apologised and she realised he looked very messy and unorganised. She knew something was wrong: even though Theo was a complete idiot to many, he was organised when it came to work.

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