“Yeah, upside your head.” Anjola scoffed, giving him a scathing look. “I don’t need you getting there and complaining about every single thing. Tiolu already doubts enough, that you wouldn’t go through this kind of stress for me, but you’ve proven her wrong by deciding to show up.

“Don’t prove yourself wrong, by acting like you don’t want to be present. If you want to complain so badly, and you can feel the pain tearing you apart till you’re numb, I have a suicide hotline on my phone. It’s not necessarily the same thing, but I guess whoever is on the other end of the line should be able to remind you of how life is precious, and advise you to stay put and that the pain you feel would be gone someday.”

“I’m beginning to wonder if this is a private retreat to have fun and relax, or it’s a practical examination to make Tiolu like me.” Lekan adjusted the brakes, reducing the speed of the car, because they had almost arrived at the private property. “If it’s that, might as well end it all now. I’ve failed that exam multiple times, and I gave up on writing it again since I became a young adult. But sure, let’s give it a final trial. Honestly though, I still don’t see the point of this. One trip isn’t going to miraculously make Tiolu comfortable with our relationship.”

“I know, I never said that. But it’s a good place to start from, so please…let’s start things on a good note?” She said with hope echoing in her voice, and Lekan heeded with a nod, which she repaid with a gentle kiss on his right cheek.

Lekan wasn’t having that, and so when they finally pulled up at the gates of the bungalow—he killed the engine, grabbed the crane of her neck and tilted her face towards his for a proper kiss. The moment they heard the clanking, grinding of metal from the other side of the gate, they pulled apart just as the gate parted, revealing the couple, either of them holding one half of the gate open—Tiolu on the left, Dayo on the right—for Lekan to drive in.

The road wasn’t tarred or interlocked and so the car’s movement wasn’t seamless or even, as it wobbled slightly when in motion. Lekan parked behind the only vehicle in the compound asides theirs, which was a grey 2019 Audi A6 Sedan, which apparently belonged to Dayo. Anjola knew Lekan didn’t exactly like anything in particular about the young author, but even he couldn’t rebuff the fact that the lad had impeccable taste in cars, and his ensuing mesmerized glare, confirmed that. The car was so glossy and sleek, that she knew it was brand new and its virgin beauty was yet to be marred by the gritty, coarse state of most roads in the nation. Anjola and Lekan then disembarked, to join their hosts.

Dayo was the first to come into sight, after she hopped down from the vehicle. He gave her a warm smile, before she held out her hands for a brief, friendly hug. The twins on the other hand, were already in a ‘glaring daggers’ contest, as if to discern whose stare could be more lethal. Tiolu ceased with her petty countenance, when her gaze landed on her friend and she strode over to pull her in for a hug—slugging Lekan in the shin, when she walked past him.

While Lekan made a grand fuss of panting, about the bullet kick lodged his way, Tiolu directed Anjola towards the front porch, with a hand snaked through her waist in an intimate grip, as if they were lovers. Anjola was almost afraid Dayo would be jealous of Tiolu’s affectionate comportment, but he was being his usual calm, reserved self—seemingly amused by Lekan’s dilemma.

“Now let me warn you and Lekan, about this house.” Her best friend was saying, as they ascended the front porch and proceeded to entering through the doorframe. Tiolu and her husband were of course dressed in simple outfits. A black crop top and blue bum shorts for Tiolu, and an olive textured crewneck pullover sweater and black faded jeans for Dayo. It was expected, since they had arrived the night before, and had gotten acclimatized to the environment being a temporal home.

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