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The sound of white noise was deafening for them both, but neither one of them knew what to say next. Eddy was trying to swallow his disappointment. Brett was trying to think of the right words to say.

They started dating right before Brett had to move to Sydney for Music Uni. That first year apart was hell for both of them and they almost broke up multiple times. It was a devastating blow to their relationship when Eddy didn't get into the same Music University. 

But as time went by, they became adaptable, visiting one another whenever possible.

It's been five months since they've last seen each other, and Eddy thought he would see Brett on the day of his graduation, which was only two weeks away. But now, Brett was calling to say that he wouldn't be able to make it. Eddy wanted to be angry, or maybe a little upset, but all he could feel was a dull pain spreading all over him.

Calls like this were always the hardest. Even after years of maintaining their long distance relationship, they still didn't know how they managed to handle situations like this, and there have been many.

"Love," Brett's voice finally broke the silence, "it's okay. You can get mad if you want to. I'll take it. Say something."

Eddy exhaled, that gnawing pain climbing up his throat, "I'm not mad, Brett. Just disappointed."

It always stung Brett when Eddy didn't call him "love" back. It was the most painful and obvious sign that Eddy was genuinely hurt, and that he was the one to blame. All he could do was wait until Eddy says more, or simply hangs up.

"Brett..." Eddy started, sniffling audibly, "Will you be able to come see me before my graduation day, at least?"

Brett's tears started falling then. Hearing Eddy cry over the phone was something that made him want to implode. He held the phone away to keep Eddy from hearing his own sniffles. He swallowed thickly and cleared his throat, "I'm not sure."

Eddy sniffled before saying, "I miss you."

"I miss you too, love." Brett said, thankful that he was able to bite back sobs. "I hate doing this to you. I hate disappointing and hurting you."

An audible sob made it through before Eddy said, "Don't worry about it, love." He sniffled, "Maybe I could visit you instead?" He cleared his throat, "I mean, I don't have time now. But maybe I can ask my mum if I can leave right after the ceremony and go to you?"

The offer dangled in the air, making another silence float between them. Eddy was suddenly worried that maybe this call was more than just a bad news – maybe it was worse. But before his thoughts could spiral into absolute chaos, he heard Brett laugh softly.

"You're amazing, you know that?" Brett managed to say in between his laughter. "For a moment there, I thought you were finally going to explode with rage and hang up on me."

Eddy couldn't help but laugh, the pain slowly going away. It always lifted his spirits to hear Brett's laugh, which was a definite sign that he was still very much in love with the older boy.

"You know I hate fighting over the phone. Maybe when I see you, I'll get mad at you then." Eddy joked, laughing as Brett did.

"You don't hold grudges that long, love." Brett paused to catch his breath. He cleared his throat, "I'll make you a promise..."

Eddy's free arm wrapped around his torso, trying to mimic the way Brett holds him, "Okay?"

Brett audibly took in a breath, "I'll keep trying to ask if I could take a short leave, and maybe offer something in exchange for some time off."

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