The Glitch in the Matrix

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"Wow.. what a short one.." Knuckles said. Suddenly, Mugman saw something green poking in the ground.. "What is that?" Mugman said, getting everyone's attention. Cuphead picked it up. "DON'T IT MIGHT BE DANGEROUS!" Mugman yelled. Cuphead studied the thing. It was bright green, a pointy end, it looked weirdly like something he had read earlier. "WAIT! THAT'S A CHAOS EMERALD!" Tails yelled. "A chaos what?" Cuphead asked. "A chaos emerald. Collecting all 7 will turn you su-," Tails stopped for a second. "WAIT! Maybe if we collect all these emeralds, it will send you home!" "You think?" Knuckles asked. "Yeah! I'm sure of it, we could also gain help of the master emerald...." Tails explained, then he realized something, Sonic must've sensed it too. "But.. The Master Emerald got stolen by Egg-face!" Sonic said...

"Right.." Tails said, upset. "Shoot, what're we gonna do?" Sonic asked. "Maybe we should set a plan to get the emerald back, like Me, Mugman, Grim, and Weepy were doing before?" Cuphead suggested. "...yeah, let's do it." Sonic said, he and Cuphead shook hands. "We need to find 7 emeralds... but how?" Mugman asked. "They must be throughly hidden.." Cuphead added. "I will.. not rest until we find Eggman.. I swear it.." Knuckles said. "We have too.." Cuphead said, "wether we like it or not.." Cuphead, Mugman, Grim, Weepy, Sonic, and Tails fell asleep. But Knuckles was pacing. He wasn't gonna rest. He started drawing plans in the dirt. "I will find you Eggman..." he murmured, soft but angrily.......

Elder Kettle set up his fort. "I hope my boys are okay, maybe they're in our world, still.." He said. Then suddenly, a yellow thing fell out of the sky and hit Elder Kettle. "Ow! What the.." Elder Kettle looked at the object. He recognized it. "Maybe it's one of those emeralds I've been hearing about.." The 2nd emerald... laying dormant... "Maybe this 'Aquatic Ruin' wasn't a good place to set camp." He read his scripture he had found when he landed here.

So far, only 1 emerald had been found, or so he thought. He hadn't known the 1st had already been collected. Boys... Elder Kettle thought. He knew Cuphead and Mugman were here somewhere..

It had become the next morning. Cuphead woke up with a start..He heard somebody.. crying. He wondered who it was. "Is.. anyone okay?" Cuphead asked softly. He looked and saw Mugman crying, more like sobbing, he looked as if he been crying for hours. Sonic and Tails were calming him down. Cuphead looked at Mugman..

"Is he okay?!" Cuphead asked Sonic. Mugman looked at Cuphead and gave him a big hug, sniffling. "What happened?" Cuphead asked. "Mugman says, he doesn't know if Elder Kettle is here, and if he's okay, or if some of his friends are already gone..." Tails explained. "Hey, where ever they are.. they're all probably okay.." Cuphead said to Mugman. But Cuphead wasn't sure himself if they were okay. "Cuphead.. I'm scared.. if The Devil is here.. What if he hurts our friends?" Mugman asked, scared. Cuphead looked at him and wanted to give him encouraging advice, it's what an older brother is suppose to do. "Mugs, don't sweat it, The Devil would be a fool to come near us again.. I know your scared, but you don't have to worry about it. If he ever, and I mean ever comes near you, I will take him down.. Okay?" Cuphead said. Mugman started to smile. "Thanks, Cup, your the best bro ever." Mugman said, giving Cuphead a hug.

Sonic and Tails smiled. Knuckles, Grim, and Weepy woke up, and they started for the road again..

Mighty and Ray looked at Baroness, Dr. Khal, and Werner, they didn't know what to think about them. "Good morning, guys! We should start for the road!" Mighty said. "Let's do zis!" Werner said, prepared. When suddenly his machine gun went overload. "WHAT ZA? ZHIS JUST DIED YEZERDAY!" Werner said, shocked, Baroness looked at Werner's amno. There was a blue pointy thing in there. "A chaos emerald..." Mighty said, picking it up. "what is that" Dr. Khal said, taking out his notepad, which he already dotted millions of interesting things from this world. "A chaos emerald is a gem that can be very powerful if it's connected with 6 other things that look like it.." Mighty explained. Dr. Khal finished writing it down. Mighty put the gem, in his end pocket.

Mighty, Ray, Dr. Khal, Werner, and Baroness were walking down the street. "What do ve do, zis vorld is possibly very long!" Werner asked, not so sure of anything anymore. "I don't know..." Mighty said.. "STOP!" A voice yelled, they all turned behind them, and what they saw... was exciting and horrific

"Well well well.." A voice said, The Devil looked surprised. He saw, this egg person. "What do you want, I don't need people wasting my time!" The Devil roared. "Hello, Devil, my name is Eggman.." Doctor Eggman said, acting like it was some kind of achievement. "Okay.. 'Eggman' what do you want, and why are you wasting MY TIME?" The Devil asked. "I have a deal to make with you.." Eggman said. The Devil suddenly got interested. "So.. what deal do you want to make..?" The Devil asked, snickering, hatching a plot. "Well, if you help me rule this world, I will give you money, gold, and more" Eggman explained. "Hmm.. why should I?" The Devil asked.

"Your resort will have fame, popularity, and gold!" Eggman yelped, laughing. "Hmm.. fine, I'll help, but... I want something more..." The Devil said. "Yes?" Eggman asked. "I want to rule this world half." The Devil said. "FINE!" Eggman yelled, "Okay then, sign here." The Devil said, holding a parchment. Eggman signed the contract. "Let's do this thing.." The Devil said. Eggman and The Devil laughed, "Minions, CHARGE!!" The Devil yelled. The Devil's minions ran out at full speed. "ROBOTS, ATTACK!!" Eggman yelled, All his robots, ever creation ran loose.

The Devil laughed, "Let's do this thing..."

Cuphead and Sonic [Book 1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin