Ice Cream and Old Friends

Start from the beginning

"Mike!"  El whined. "What was that?"

"A kiss." He said then started walking away.

El ran over to him and tangled their fingers together. "Not the kiss I was expecting." She shrugged to herself and leaned her head on Mike's shoulder. With her other hand, that wasn't busy holding Mike's, she played with one of the strings on her hoodie, well, actually Mike's hoodie. 

Mike opened the door to the ice cream shop that was near where Joyce worked. He held the door open for El and she stepped inside, cold air instantly hitting her face. Mike stepped in behind her and led El over to the ice cream. "Pick any flavor you want, El."

"Any?" El asked, not taking her eyes off the many different flavors.

"Yup." Mike replied. "You could even have one scoop a certain flavor then the other scoop be a different flavor."

El's eyes widened, she looked up at Mike. "Really?" Mike nodded his head. "Um, okay, I'm going to get one scoop chocolate and one scoop strawberry." 

"Okay." Mike looked over at a woman who was typing on her phone behind the counter. "Excuse me? We're ready."

The woman set down her phone and grabbed the ice cream scoop. "What can I get for you, kids, today?"

"I'll have two scoops of mint chocolate chip, please." Mike told her. "In a bowl."

"Okay..." She handed him the ice cream and turned to El. "What about you, Honey?"

El's eyes widened and she moved closer to Mike, wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. She buried her face in the back of his shoulder. "Can you order for me? In a bowl." She mumbled.

Mike nodded and placed his empty hand on top of her interlocked ones that were around his waist. "She'll have one scoop of chocolate and another scoop of strawberry in a bowl." El lifted her head  and moved to Mike's side, one arm still around his waist. She grabbed her ice cream from the woman who handed it to her.

"Thank you." She said quietly.

"No problem." The woman replied. "That would be $8.00." 

Mike fished the money out of his pocket and handed it to her and the two teenagers went to find a spot to sit. They sat down at a small booth next to a window. El took a bite of her ice cream ad smiled. "Thanks, Mike."

Mike swallowed. "No problem, El." He scooped up some more ice cream on his spoon. "I hope this cheers you up a little."

El nodded her head up and down and ate another spoonful of ice cream. "It does. Hopper never takes me out." 

"Well, maybe, we could do this every Friday after school?" Mike suggested Mike suggested "As in a weekly date."

"We should." El replied. "I like ice cream."

Mike laughed, taking her hand across the table and intertwined their fingers. "Well, that's good."

"Mike..." El said, suddenly turning glum. "I have to tell you something but don't get mad."

Mike's heart rate sped up and he set his spoon down. "Okay, what is it?" 

"I'm..." She suddenly smiled. "Going to steal a bite of your ice cream!" She quickly leaned over the table and stole some of his ice cream. Sitting back down, she ate the bite of frozen goodness, and laughed and Mike's expression.

"What?!" Mike exclaimed. "You scared me!"

El giggled. "I got you!" 

"Yes, yes, you did." He sighed. "El, I thought you were cheating on me or something."

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