“You’re a clown,” Adaure said in a playful snort, before reaching for a pen in the cluster of stationeries, below her dashboard and shoving it behind, in a weak aim at Ehize. Somehow, fortuitously it collided with his forehead, and startled him into looking up. He seemed so dazed, Anjola couldn’t help but wonder how captivating whatever thing, he was watching was.

She’d have assumed it was porn, if she didn’t know the lad had no reason to since he had more than his own fair share, of sexual appeal—throwing themselves shamelessly at his feet—at his disposal.

“Hey, Bootstrap Bill. Heads up, we’re almost at the site. You might want to take note of the surroundings, and the roads I take from here because you’d be the one driving us here next year.” Adaure called out to him.

Adaure’s nickname for Ehize, was of coursed coined from the Pirates Of The Caribbean, movie franchise where a pirate, mastermind was awarded the reputation with the iconic name by his crewmates. The name worked on the ideology, that Ehize usually wore nothing other than ‘boots’ all the time and had a wide variety of them.

Ankle length boots, buckle laced up boots, utility workmen boots, brogue boots, Chelsea boots, just to mention a few.  Currently, he was wearing a brown leather handmade Chukka wingtip boot with an olive green, solid pullover sweater and faded blue jeans. Ehize as a doll-esque pretty boy, didn’t lean excessively on his looks and invested heavily into his outfits also. All packing a deadly punch, that most women couldn’t resist.

Adaure on the other hand, was looking hippie-corporate as usual in a black laced up blouse, Tencel wide leg patterned sailor pants and platform heels. The outfit didn’t fall short of her usual mash up of corporate and casual. While she on the other hand, was wearing a Bohemian bell sleeve floral red midi dress on strapped, brown heeled ankle boots. It was the perfect outdoor outfit, as it gave her a hipster, cowgirl look that she didn’t know she loved.

Unfortunately for her, a lot of people did love it more as connoted by the copious amount of intense glares from men and women alike, she had received since morning. Even Ehize that had never complimented her appearance in his life, and mostly said slurs to maim her had commented, that she looked like a smoking hot aunt, he wanted to follow to the park so that he would enjoyed the best of rides, as a result of the numerous men that’d be lining up to do her bidding.

“If I’d still be here next year,” Ehize snickered, from the backseat. He wasn’t as old as her and Adaure in the company, and had only joined the previous year but Anjola knew him long enough, to know he wasn’t the type that loved being held down by service to a single entity. He was an explorer, that liked to experiment with a galaxy of options and horizons. It wasn’t blasphemy, when he said that there was a probability that he would have left before the next year came around. Adaure on the other hand, didn’t look assuaged by this point.

“By the way, Anjola. What sort of sucky Achilles heel do you have with driving anyway? You should learn how to drive your own goddamn car. Sure, you’ve said it multiple times that it’s more convenient for you to take public transport because of traffic and all, but now that I consider that point, I’m realizing it’s not exactly a convenient thing, really.

“So you don’t want to get stuck in traffic, last I checked buses couldn’t fly either and at least, you have a good measure of privacy when you’re driving in your car. And less chances of some conductor being nasty to you, or a thief easily getting in and out because of the numerous people on board. So um, I don’t exactly see your point.” Ehize added.

Anjola’s gaze locked on the sidewalk, and the beautiful web of forage, the branches formed at the sides. “Yeah, that’s true but cars are stress. You have to take it out, buy fuel, service it and hence pay a mechanic. Also, you have to clean it. I don’t have such time on my schedule, and there is no car wash that’s even close to where I live. Plus, I’m way too paranoid to be leaving my cars at places for people to wash. I’d want to be there with it, and I really don’t have that time—”

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