Chapter 3: A New Classmate

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{Hana's P.O.V.}

On coming to school today, I had a very odd feeling. When I arrived at the school gate, I was shocked to see no one there. Even the hallway going to the classroom was a ghost town. Why was it so empty?

As I neared my classroom, I saw some other girls from different year levels and section outside our door. That's strange? What's going on?

I had difficulty entering my own classroom, but I finally got through the wall of girls. Inside the room, I saw the guys all huddled up in a corner surrounding someone. Who is that someone? A girl maybe? Or maybe Akio is being bullied again?

Akio is one of my friends, he's a weak guy, 'a nerd' as others say, but he also almost looks like a girl too. I'd say, he's the cute type of guy.

The girls were staring at the circle of boys, like they were waiting for their turn to huddle around the person? The girls in our class were creepily very happy for a reason that I am not aware of. Okay, I'm on a high level of confusion right now...

I went to Ami and asked her, "Hey Ami-chan, what's going on?"

Ami grabbed my arm, she was very jumpy. Obviously, she was very happy, "Oh hi Hana-chan! What's the matter is that we have a new classmate!"

"Someone who enrolled late? What's so special about that?" I was obviously confused.

"Well, he's a guy~! And he's one of the most good-looking guys I've ever seen! Even more handsome than Takai-kun!"

"Hey, I heard that..." said Takai as he just entered the room.

Ami giggled, "Oops! Didn't mean to offend you there Takai-kun!"

"Nah... You didn't... I'm okay with it. Really."

I giggled too, Takai said it so sincerely. "Is he? What's his name?"

Ami was very giddy, "His name?! ..... Tsukimori-kun~! Tsukimori Takumi...."


At break time, I decided to stay in the classroom to finish reading my romance pocket book that I had borrowed from my cousin. I was just sitting on my seat, minding my own business, until I suddenly felt awkward.

I then scanned the room and saw that the new guy didn't leave either! Yes he was indeed handsome, he had golden yellow hair and deep ocean blue eyes. He was starring at me too! Or is it just my imagination? I snap back into reality and try to go back to reading. Grrrrr.... My face is heating up...

Then I was startled as I heard footsteps coming near me. Is he going near me cause I was looking at him? No no no, he's just going outside, maybe? No! He's coming towards me! And I sit by the window!!!

I was so nervous that I couldn't concentrate on reading and just stared at the page I was on instead. Page 137... Tsukimori-kun stopped right beside me.

I turned to face him, "Is there something I can help you with?" I smile nervously as I ask him that.

He just snickered and said, "Hey there. May I know your name?"

I looked into his deep ocean blue eyes and said my name in a low voice. Then out of embarrassment, I went back to face my book. I could feel my cheeks burning up! He then patted my head and asked, "May I call you Hana, Hino-san?"

"I-I don't mind..."

"Great! You can call me Takumi too..." I nod and he asks again, "Hana, how are things here in Sakura High?"

"Okay, I guess... Why'd you ask?" I asked while I peeked to look at his blank expression.

He turned his back and replied, "Oh, I just wanted to know." and he then walked back to his chair.

Why did he want to know?


At lunch time, I saw Takumi in the cafeteria surrounded by girls of different year levels. I passed by them and sat alone at a corner eating my lunch. I would sit with my friends, but they have somewhere to be at the moment. I then noticed that Takumi had stood up and started to walk to my direction! He grabbed a seat and ate at my table. I peeked at the girls. Their expressions were full of jealousy.

"Hey there Hana. You don't mind me sitting here, do you?"

"Hi Takumi-kun. No, I don't mind at all. But... Why did you leave those girls? They look angry."

"Oh? Sorry, they were just so annoying. And when I saw you pass by, I thought I'd sit with you." he said with an honest smile.

"Oh..." I said as a tiny blush surfaced on my cheeks.

After I ate my lunch I told him, "Uhm... I'm gonna leave first okay?"

"It's fine..." he smiled, and we waved each other a goodbye as I left him alone in the cafeteria.


{Takumi's P.O.V.}

After dismissal, I decided to follow Hana home for some odd reason. I know, I may seem like a stalker, but knowing her address may come in very handy some day. I don't mean that I'll stalk her everyday, it's just if she needs help, I'll run to her side.

I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Hana's a different girl, different in a good kind of way that it scares me for feeling this way.

I just kept my distance while following her, I didn't want to catch any unwanted attention and get called by the police for secretly tailing someone. And she is a girl and I am a guy.

The girls I meet wherever school I attend are all the same. Except for her. She's never flocked to me nor swooned over me like the rest of the girls at Sakura High. She's one of a kind...

After I saw her go in her house, I also set my courses for my own place.

Hana Hino, huh?

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