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ꔻꔹ🌹'ღ'-ꔹꔻꔻꔹ🌹Grayson L. Williams POV

In the dead of night, where one is most in touch with their deepest consciousness, is also where imagination is at its finest.

Burning the midnight oil, I yawned as I arched my back as far as my stiff back allowed me to. Sipping my fourth cup of coffee, I directed my full attention back to the music sheets right under my nose, making a corrections here and there while humming to the time playing on repeat in my brain.

Despite how I seemed, my thoughts were preoccupied with her - she never left. Everything was about Scarlett now. This song I'm composing, what I'm feeling, it was as of she became the owner of my soul, my heart, my mind. I didn't belong to me anymore or whatsoever. I belonged to her.

I hate how everything was spiraling out of my control and how she was making me feel something I never felt before. She was an uncalculated existent in my life messing up the status quo, appearing out of nowhere and now running in my head like she was meant to be. Although I wanted to, I couldn't get rid of her.

She was a contagious virus coursing through my veins, a fast yet soundless killer. I knew something about her was amiss, yet that mysterious aura of hers drawn me in even more, she was everything I wished for. Yet, when she appeared, all I wanted was to evade; to avoid this alien emotion.

"It's impossible, look how much she had affected you just after your first encounter," a part of me pointed out straight from the shoulder, mercilessly hitting the nail on the head.

Her smile which upset the butterflies in my stomach crossed my mind. Begrudgingly, I knew fully well I was going to have to swallow a bitter pill - I had an uncanny feeling that she had me at her very fingertips and that the die was casted. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sighed. The result was determined before the battle even started, after all I wouldn't believe that anyone could have managed to turn the table against her.

Resting my head on the table, my eyes began drooping gradually and before my consciousness drifted away, I noticed a familiar pair of cold blue eyes shining in the dark like the stars which shone brightly in the darkest of night. "I swear this scene happened before..." And sleep hit me like a bullet train.

ꔻꔹ🌹'ღ'-ꔹꔻꔻꔹ🌹 Third Person POV

Steady harmonised breathing was the only sound one could afford to hear in the dark silent, where the only light present was illuminating a soundly asleep male. A silhouette camouflaged with the darkness as if they were one, yet no one could blatantly ignore the bright sapphire orbs sparkling like diamonds contrasting to the surrounding.

As the shadow stepped towards the dim light, like the moon - half of her was hidden, the other half was exposed to public's eyes. Although with the difference in style, one could hereupon identify her as the lady who was taking residence in dear Grayson's life. Despite being in the dark, her fiery amber hair wasn't engulfed by the night's wrath but blazing up like the flames of her soul.

Eyes fixated on the sleeping male, Scarlett's pupils dilated slightly, plump cherry lips curved up into a full smile which could have cause any man to go to war for. With a snap of her fingers, the two figures disappeared and reappeared again on a cozy bed that could sparingly support two individuals. Gawking at the sleeping handsome's peaceful visage, she wrapped him around her arms, leaving no room for escape like a snake enveloping its prey.

Inhaling his freshly bathe odour, her cheeky hands casually traced along the bare skin under his shirt, stroking his smooth velvet skin like that of girl's as his body heedlessly trembled under her stimulating provocations. Grinning cockily, she landed butterfly kisses all around his face before attending to his lonely lips, biting it softly first as she proceeded to intensify the kiss, pushing herself against him, waking up the oblivious victim of her mischief. "This is just a dream, let yourself free. Screw logic," she enticed as she continued with what she left off.

Grayson felt his body heated up like a wandering traveller on the radiating desert in dire need of water, whereas Scarlett was his last strand of hope. They clung to each other desperately as they sucked the air out of each other's lung, hands not easing up either as they felt each other up at their very caress. Breaking apart, she gripped on his hair, forcefully pulling his head back as she demandingly bit on his neck, leaving a red mark, otherwise known as hickey. The pain was nothing compared to the excitement and pleasure from her, his grimace turned into pure ecstasy again as she started biting onto his sensitive spots, earning a low husky moan from him.

However, all fun and games came to an end when Grayson passed out cold again due to over-exhaustion. Scarlett stared at him in disbelief before replacing it with a heartfelt smile that could melt even the harshest winter.

"Sweet dreams," she whispered as she gave him a peck on his forehead.

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