and when i start to come undone (stitch me together) barbiewrites

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Sometimes, since moving to Indiana, Billy gets the feeling like he’s trying to convince himself he’s happy. Steve makes him happy, and yeah, sometimes Max manages, but beyond that… there’s nothing in Hawkins that he gets pumped up about. He tells Steve after school one day when the two of them are passing a blunt in the backseat of Steve’s BMW.

“I —“ the question dies on Steve’s lips. I don’t make you happy?

“Of course you do —“ Billy answers, then sighs, takes another drag, “— and, I mean, Max, I guess. Sometimes. But… fuck. I don’t know. I used to experience shit, in San Diego. I just feel like I’m living here.”

Steve gives up a smile at the idea, taking the blunt back. Maybe fighting monsters was an experience , but not really one he wanted to give Billy. He didn’t want… something to happen, where Billy moves, and forgets Hawkins like a bad memory — mostly because he doesn’t want Billy forgetting him , because Billy means the world to him — so, the only logical thing to do would be to give Billy an experience .

Steve gets the idea on a Sunday morning, when he and Billy have just finished showering a nights worth of sex off, and since Steve was last out of the shower, Billy gets stereo privileges.

Metallica’s Seek & Destroy is playing, Billy banging his head around as he dresses himself in the mirror, tongue between his teeth. Steve watches from the doorway of his ensuite, towel around his hips and a smile on his lips.  

“Good wake up song,” Steve comments when it dies out, giving them a few quiet seconds before the next song on the tape shuffled on.

“It’s a damn good song,” Billy reasons as he pulls on his boxers.

“Never said it wasn’t,” his boyfriend replies in a sing-song, opening up his closet. “You ever seen them live?”

Billy scoffs. “I seem like the kinda guy who can afford that shit?”

“You ever seen anyone live?”

“Are you really gonna make me repeat myself?”

Steve turns, pulling a sweater off the hanger and looking over at Billy, checking himself out in the mirror. “Seriously?”

Billy doesn’t even seem to hear him, just adjusts his jeans and plays with his curls.

“Hey. Mr. Self-Obsessed.” He calls, and Billy looks over to him, seemingly unimpressed with the name. “You’ve really never been to a concert?”

Billy chuckles. “Those things are fuckin’ expensive. Twenty bucks to see a bunch of rich fucks jerk themselves off in front of a crowd?” Billy inhales sharply. “Yeah. No fuckin’ way.”

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