Red Roses Lululablette

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It was a friday, school had ended one hour ago, yet the Party was still hanging around Hawkins high. It was the month of june, and the day was pretty warm. Lucas, Dustin and Mike were just wearing t-shirts meanwhile Will and Jane prefered light and soft sweaters. They were talking about their day, what they were going to do this weekend.

Only one member of the party was missing. Max. Last year she travelled back to California, to see her dad, and mostly to take a break from her step-dad and step-brother. Her mom accepted, even if she wasn’t ok with it, but understood that her daughter wanted to see her father. She was supposed to be back yesterday, but she couldn’t make it. She stayed very vague about why she couldn’t.

They all heard a motor sound, very loud and low-pitched, and they all turned to face a motorbike and it’s biker. They removed their helmet, and a long red hair fell out of it.

All of them gasped when they recognize who it was

“Hey there stalkers! Missed me?” Max called,still sitting on her motorbike, all smile.

The Party got up and started running toward her, laughing and yelling about how much they missed her. Mostly Dustin and Lucas.

“Oh my god Max! I missed you so much! The party wasn’t the same without you!” Dustin cried-laughed while he tackled Max into a hug, almost making them both fall.

“God you’re such a drama-queen Dustin.” answered Max, laughing. She smiled and said “But i missed you too, I missed all of you.”

Silence fell on them then Mike started talking “Are we not gonna talk about...This?” he said as he gestured to the motorbike. Dustin let go of the hug and took a step back, looking at the engine “Wow.” he said simply.

“When did you got it?” Lucas asked, kneeling down to take a closer look at it.

“Last week.That’s why I couldn’t make it. My dad had to bought it and all the insurance and papers… I had to wait a bit more before getting back in Hawkins.”

The rest of them nodded and Will asked “Do you think we can… Drive it?”

The red-head laughed and Will blushed, embarrassed, Max noticed and stopped “Oh Will, no offence, but do you really think I could let ANY of you drive this baby?” the small teen shrugged and she continued “ No, for real, I love you guys, but I know it had costed a lot of money from my dad. I don’t want to risk anything.” Will nodded.

“Sorry.” he apologized and Max glared at him “Don’t apologize. It’s ok, I don’t hate you for asking.” she winked and added “I could let one of you have a ride though…”

All of them looked at each others, Jane glancing at Dustin and Lucas who were like two little kids in front of an Ice cream shop.

“Really?” the two of them yelled in the same time. “Well, yeah. Just, one at the time. I told you,I don’t want to break it only one week after getting it.”

Mike then wondered “Wait, how did you get back here with the motorbike, you didn’t drive all the way from California to Hawkins did you?”

ElMax/Henclair OneShots (Elmax Manly)Where stories live. Discover now