Carnival Kisses. trashmouths

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As Max was showing El the fun of being a girl, she decided to stop at the FunFair. The scent of sweet funnel cake filled their nostrils as they wandered the crowded amusement park. Lights of bright colors shown every corner and loud cheers of children could have been heard from miles away.

Max and El stopped once they reached the ferris wheel. El turned her head in confusion.

“What’s that?” Her voice was calm, and smooth just like always. The redhead turned to her with a grin.

“It’s called a ferris wheel! You sit down in those seats,” Max pointed up to one of the seats at the very top,” and it lifts you up into the air and goes in a circle!” El looked at the amusement ride with eyes wide of curiosity. “Let’s go on it!” Max dragged El into the line of people. Every time the moved up El felt her heart do skips of joy.

“Money or tickets please!” the employee yelled at Max, in which Max handed him a few dollars and lead El onto one of the seats. Another worker safely put the pair into the ride.

Seconds later, their seat began to lift them higher into the air. El gasped in excitement and Max giggled next to her. Right when they reached the top, their seat jerked back a little, and then the lights of the ferris wheel turned off. El grew frightened and Max let out a groan.

“Are you kidding me?” she asked, obviously directed towards no one in particular.

The employee from earlier yelled up to the passengers, “Sorry for the wait! Everything should be fixed here shortly!”

A few minutes went by, and still nothing. Max sighed, causing the silence to be broken, and El turned her head to look at her. Her freckles seemed to glow to El, and all she could think about was how pretty Max was.

How would it feel like to kiss her cheek?, El thought while staring intently at the other. Max felt El’s stare and her head moved to face her.

“What are you staring at, is there something on my face?” Max asked, genuinely confused.

“Freckles…” El pressed her index finger onto one of the dots that decorated Max’s face, “...pretty.”

Max’s cheeks transformed into shades of pink. “Thank you, El. You’re pretty too.”

“Really?” El was barely called pretty unless it was from Mike of course. But Mike seemed to be the last thing on her mind right then. The only thing she could focus on was how much gorgeous Max looked.

“Yes, really.” El blushed, letting her hand fall back down to her side. The feeling of admiration for Max was right in the front of her chest. It felt like bees were scattered around in her stomach and something had a tight grip around her heart. They both stayed silent.

10 more minutes passed and they still remained still. Max rolled her eyes with another groan.

“Can't they hurry up?” Max looked down at the ground from her side. El was staring off in the distance due to being in deep thought.

“El? Are you okay?” El stared back over at Max. El nodded her head, her vision now focusing on Max’s lips.

How would it feel to kiss her lips?, El thought once more. Max’s lips appeared to be soft, maybe just a little chapped. El had only ever kissed Mike before and she wondered what it felt like to kiss others. Especially Max.

“Max?” El’s voice came out shaky from her throat. Max hummed. “Would it be okay if I kissed you?” The sentence seemed to plop out of El’s mouth. Max glanced over to her wide-eyed.

“Are you sure?” Max asked, a shocked expression lingering on her face. She wouldn’t mind kissing the other in all honesty, but they were in public. God knows what would happen if someone saw the pair kissing. But, that still didn’t mean Max would take the chance. She did really like El, after all.

El only nodded in response. Max looked around at everyone. No one seemed to be paying attention to them. Max put her attention back on El.

“Well then, yeah, I guess.” Max sat there, waiting for something to happen next. El turned her body to fully face Max.

Max felt El’s soft hand against her cheek. Max closed her eyes after seeing El slowly move forward. Then she felt El’s lips against her own. Fireworks went off inside her belly and she threw her arm around El’s neck. El continued to kiss Max as she would Mike. The only difference was Max’s kissing skills were much better and her lips felt nicer.

They moved away from each other slowly. They’re eyes locked and they both held the same look; love.

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