chapter 13

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Just as Seoyeon was about to roll over on her side, the alarm rang, screeching in her ears. She quickly smashed the button with her hand, sighing as she laid down on her back.

She looked over to see that it's 12:30 in the afternoon.

Oh shit! Thank God it's just Friday.

She forcefully lifted herself up and headed to the washroom for a relaxing shower.

She came out, opened her closet, contemplating on her outfit. In the end, she decided to wear a white, lacy top and high wasted jeans, with a silver choker and white sandals.

She then, walked over to Suho's room and knocked twice, "Suho? Suho."

After getting no response, she opened up the door and barged her way in to find him snoring away to glory.


He instantly jolted up with wide eyes, his cheeks slightly flushed, and his brunette hair, messy. And he sleepily fell back down, rubbing his eyes.

"Your highness, if you are done snoring, would you please wake up?"

"Ugh, what time is it?" He groaned, rubbing his eyes. She looked at my watch and clarified, "12:50."

"That's great," He yawned once, "Time for my," He yawned again, "...Nap." Draping his blanket over his head, he shut his eyes.

She strutted over to his bed and rip the blanket off his face, and he glared at her in annoyance.

"We are going to the library. You, my dear brother, have a test on Sunday, so you have to study," Seoyeon reminded as she took his blanket and folded it, neatly. "Ugh, I don't wanna study," he groaned again, covering his eyes with the back of his arm.

"Yeah, well, sucks to be you," She replied, "Now, chop chop."

He groaned once more, gets up, and heads over to the washroom.

Seoyeon goes to the end of his room, picks up his backpack, and packed some important books needed for his test.

Suho comes out of the bathroom and goes over to his closet and picks a graffiti designed t-shirt and ripped jeans.

"I'll be making breakfast, okay?" Seoyeon mentioned before she leaves his room.

Seoyeon skipped her way to the kitchen and switched on the stove, having a bubbly feeling in her gut, like something good would happen today. She swiftly planned to make some cheese sandwiches, and slightly fry them to melt the cheese, because... well, why not?

She tossed the sandwiches on two plates, keeping them on the kitchen island, while Suho comes just in time.

While he ate, she ambled into her room and grab the nearest mini backpack, slipped in her phone, earphones, lip balm and mints. By the time, she comes out, Suho was in the process of washing his plate.

"Here, take your bag," Seoyeon threw toward him. She grabbed her sandwich, wrapped it in cling wrap, quickly washed her plate and headed out for the door.


"So, how was yesterday?" Suho started, clearing his throat. Seoyeon arched an eyebrow, and nibbled on her sandwich, "What do you mean?"

He smacked his face with his palm, "You went out to meet Namjoon hyung and the rest of BTS; how was it?" She nodded in realization, "Oh, mhm, yeah, it was pretty fun?"

He hummed in response, suspicious at her bleak response, "Nothing else? You met BTS, for heaven's sake."

"I was freaking out in the beginning - I mean, who wouldn't - but I think I was pretty fine later on," The dark-haired girl shrugged, taking a turn.

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