chapter 26

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Seoyeon was met with the unavoidable nothingness that was silence. Only the merely audible breathing of them both was their source of sound.

Jungkook, on the other hand, completely froze at this. Sudden dread taking over within him as the blood drained from his face, his stomach twists, and his heart caught in his throat.

His deepest, darkest fear came alive.

Seoyeon whispered so softly, Jungkook barely heard her, with her clothed hand clamped over her mouth, "Jungkook, pl-please say something..."

After much struggle, Jungkook finally found his voice amidst his closing-up throat, "I- um... I don't... uh. A-Are you saying we should," Jungkook paused, taking his lip between his teeth tensely when his eyes began stinging with tears, "...break up?"

Seoyeon's heart clenched achingly at the sound of Jungkook's quivering voice.

None of them wanted this to end or for it to turn out the way it was at the moment.


Jungkook shut his eyes tightly and scrunched his hand into a fist but it was too late as tears slipped from his eyes and swam down his cheeks.

"Can I... uh, can I know why?" Jungkook sniffled, tightly gripping the edge of the footstool he was sitting on.

"If you're thinking that you did something wrong, then please don't; because it's none of your fault, Seoyeon sniveled, shifting her gaze towards the ceiling in order to prohibit tears to roll down her cheeks, but much to her dismay, it still did.

"It's me... I did something terribly wrong and um... I'm think that, er, the only way to fix it by... breaking up. I - and only I - will hear the brunt for this so you don't need to worry."

"I don't believe you," Jungkook declared assertively, "Is it... I-Is it something I said when I read the notifications on your phone the other day?"

"No! No, God, no, Jungkook. If anything, it was the complete truth and I deserved that for not telling you. Do you hear me? Now, don't you dare think that you did something wrong for this to happen."

Seoyeon was met with Jungkook's quivering breaths amidst a stark silence, and so she continued.

"You don't have to forgive me but... I'm really sorry," Seoyeon quietly murmured to the silence that accompanied the other line before bringing the phone in front of face and pressing the glowing red button.

Seoyeon stumbled to her bedside table with shaky breaths, gently laid her phone on it and fell down on her bottom as she situated herself on the floor. Pulling her knees up to her chest, Seoyeon buried her face and began to sob heavily.

Her chest convulsed, the lump in her throat grew, her mouth parted to gasp in pain and her heart raced but Seoyeon couldn't seem stop or get a grasp of her emotions.

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