I was currently resting my head on a tree trying to catch my breath and focus on calming myself down when I noticed that in my few moments of losing control, I had no idea where I was. My phone was buzzing in my pocket and I had to place my hands over my ears to down it out.

I closed my eyes and started muttering. "Alpha...Beta...Omega."

Annnd nothing. I sighed; I have to focus. I tried counting the trees around me, didn't work. Another wave of pain hit me, and I screamed. As if! it's supposed to be easier for born wolves to learn control. I can't wait for when I turn sixteen and all this learning control isn't needed.

I sat down and opened my phone to see three missed calls from Anna. Well that's just great.

When I had steadied my breathing and felt that my claws retract, I continued in the direction on what I hoped was towards the school.

When I finally arrived, I realized I had completely missed the rally and the game but only just. People were still sitting in the stands and the players were only just starting to shake each other's hands.

I leant against one of the walls of the gym. I blended in with the crowd, my cheer uniform coming in handy to do so. Everyone's eyes were on the team. The same words were endlessly coming out of my mouth as I closed my eyes in frustration.

"Alpha... Beta...Omega". Take a big breath. "Alpha...Beta...Omega." Try to exhale.

I felt someone grip my shoulders making me jump in alarm. I was looking into concerned forest green eyes. Derek seemed to be fully in control but that's to be expected. He'd even just played a full game, must be nice to be sixteen.

I let a slight grown of pain that made him wince slightly. "Say it".

I shook my head. "I need Anna. Just get me Anna".

I saw him shake his head slightly before his hands held my cheeks while he rested his forehead on mine. I instantly tried to fight him off but he was stronger. He then flashed me his eyes in warning. They were blue?!? Since when where they blue?

He started shushing me and started whispering. "You need to say it, Avery".

I gulped as another wave of pain hit me. "Alpha...Beta...Omega, I can't control it".

"You can. Say it again. Alpha...Beta...Omega."



"Alpha...Beta...Omega." I ended up saying it for another five times before I'd fully regained control.

We were still standing in that intimate position before I pushed him away. He wasn't glaring at me like I expected but he was smirking.

I however was glaring daggers. "What the hell was that?"

He rose an eyebrow. "What was what?"

I dropped my jaw in slight annoyance. "That! You just, you helped me!"

He creased his forehead slightly. "Am I not allowed to help you?"

I shook my head at him.

He shrugged. "You could've exposed us all; I was doing my pack a favour".

I shook my head at him. "No...you were. Different."

He rose his eyebrows in amusement. "How was I different?".

I tipped my head in confusion. "You are different. You keep, you keep touching me."

He took a step closer and put his hand on my hip and whispered, "Do you not like it when I touch you?"

The Feud (Young Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now