searching for my soulmate

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our souls were made of the same cloth,
they were hand sewn by the same universe and set out into bodies in the world to be brought back together.
i know it'll take time and i'm willing to wait,
but the stardust in our veins and souls will pull us towards one another as if we were a magnet.
and once we are pulled together we will dance,
we will dance in the middle of the night in a field of wild flowers of purple and yellow and white,
the music playing from a bluetooth speaker will fill the space that's not being consumed by our laughter.
we will get a pizza and eat it together and complain about how bloated we are and we will laugh at how we look like Winnie the poo.
and then we shall sleep, wrapped up in each other's warmth and comfort.
as we sleep the universe will look down and smile as her grand plan for us has followed through in the most magnificent way.
but until that point, i will never stop searching for you.

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