Ch. 11: Is it Happening?

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The note I gave Jake reads as follows:

Hey Jake! I just want you to know that I am really excited to meet up now that my three year long trip is over! I mean, it may take a while in order to find you but it doesn't matter because I am just so excited! I hope to put this in the mail before weeet because it would be pretty funny to give you a letter about something that already happened but if I meet you before I send it I will probably give it to you anyway! I think that all the game bosses have already been conqured by my friends and so we might get out of the game soon!



"Well I know its kinda silly-" I started but Jake cut me off "Its great Jade! Thanks!" We both grinned from ear to ear.


I need to take a walk. I grabbed Sollux's hand and dragged him over to Kanaya "I need to get some space alright? If shit goes down, please troll me and tell me exactly where to find you and I'll do the same." I whispered into her ear and she nodded and Sollux and I started off. "Kk whats wr0ng?" Sollux asked and I shook my head in frustration "THE HUMANS." He nodded "THEY ALL HAVE THEIR FRIENDS ALIVE. AND IT IS *NOT* HELPING ME WITH... YOU KNOW..." I trailed off as he nodded and I guided him where we were going.

==> Timeskip brought to you by Levi and Eren <==

After a long awkward silence Sollux spoke up. "Where are we g0ing anyway?" I bit my lip not knowing the answer "UH, I ACTUALLY DON'T KNOW..." I blushed a deep candy red "0h well, I guess we'll find 0ut..." I shrugged "I GUESS..." I heard a loud explosion to the east


Ok new Chapter! YAY! I will be posting an Authors Note soon after this and please read it. It is about my choice of writing and shit like that.

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