Ch.2: Where are they?

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I took a step towards where Karkat was running when Sollux stopped me. I didn't protest although I was slightly nervous "why are you letting sollux go?" "Only Because I know Sollux Probably Has A Plan, Don't You Agree?" "1 GU3SS YOU'R3 R1GHT." "Why Thank You Terezi." I slightly bow in her general direction hoping she smells the gesture, and she does and slightly bows back.



It was odd how long Karkat and Sollux have been gone and I am starting to worry. "Is Anyone Else Wondering Where Sollux And Karkat Are?" "1 4M." "i am too." "i Am AlL uP aNd MoThErFuCkInG WoNdErInG." Well on the bright side at least Gamzee has taken his soporifics... But that doesn't change the fact that I'm worried about Karkat and Sollux. Just then Karkat came back guiding a blind Sollux. "There You Are! I Was Getting Worried!" I smiled "OH, UH, YEAH SORRY ABOUT THAT... WE KIND OF GOT LOST..." I giggled slightly at his excuse but still believed him. I wondered what happened though. Karkat probably ran because of his blood colour and thats why I let Sollux go. If anyone else wanted to I would have gone in their place no matter what.


Holy shit. That walk took about a hour to get back to the others. Sometimes I regret a few things. A few things I can't tell Kanaya. I probably will tell Sollux soon but you know... I don't know if he will forgive me. Fogive me for... For... Cutting. It was a mistake and at the time I knew that it was but... I hate to say it felt nice. Thats why I always wear a sweater. I was snapped out of my thoughts by none other then Sollux slapping my face. "kk ii a2ked you a que2tiion." He glared at me. "WHAT WAS THE QUESTION I WAS THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING PROBABLY MORE IMPORTANT." I lied. I lie really well and I kept my facadę up. I actually really like my friends. There I said it. I fake hating them. I made a rule up four sweeps ago to never let my gaurd down. For anyone. Now, I'm letting my gaurd down for Sollux. I feel like he will understand if I tell him I tried to commit suicide and he knows what I went through. I hope... "ii 2AIID-" He got cut off. By a rumbling. Also it started raining. Which would have been nice. Except it was acid. FUCKING ACID. I ran into the trees pulling Sollux by the wrist. What. Was. Happening?! I started shaking I know that I can't cry. Not with all these people around. I just can't. I needed to find shelter. Fast.


YAY an update! I have a bit of writers block and so this might not be the best or longest chapter but I thought that this was paused for long enough and I should write at least a short chapter. This is like a different version of the reckoning I think? Okay, let me get this straight. I know as much about the story as you. Really. All my good stories are not planned out. I have an idea of something that will happen (In this case the trolls "beat" SBURB but then they really don't. That is what I started with. Actually. No joke. So yeah please accept that I have writers block on this story so I might not update too often until I get a good idea :( Sorry!


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