Ch. 3: A Whole New Game...

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It was happening. Again. Of course it was right after I got a matesprit too. I need to keep him alive. Its impossible for me to let him die. I would be a failure. Again. For the thousandth time. I needed to do it again. I needed to cut. I haven't done it for a while but... I need to do it again. I would probably get mauled if Sollux caught me. Also I would need a sharp object... No! I can't thinklike that! Ugh, I disgust myself. Maybe I should just do the world a favour and kill myself already. Or maybe the whole fucking universe a favour... UGH I have to stop thinking like that! I have to think about what this means! So, I looked up through the trees and the sky was going from blue to purple to pink to green. This was NOT good. At all. I needed to protect Sollux and inorder to do that I need to keep myself alive. I turn towards Sollux. "Sollux, you have to-" He wasn't there. Fuck. You have got to be fucking kidding me! I quickly started seeing the raindrops getting bigger, and bigger. This is not good. I was noticing that they were turning into meteors. Which was worse than rain. Even if that rain is acid rain. But I knew this was bad. Actually it wasn't bad. It was fucking terrible!

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