Ch. 5: The Others

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I was scared. Not for myself, but for Kk. I didn't want to watch him die. An image flashed before my eyes. I was seeing something. But it wasn't happening at this moment. I hoped it didn't happen.

Red. Candy red. I watched as Kk fell to his knees then flat on his face. A huge dark figure lumbered away spinning a axe around his hamd. I rushed to Kk "S-SOLLUX?" It was more of a question. "kk? kk its me kk. Theres nothing t0 w0rry about. Everything will be fine?" I meant to sound confident but it didn't work. "I'M SORRY I HAVE TO LEAVE YOU SOLLUX... I FEEL TERRIBLE..." I shook my head vigorously "i-its n0t y0ur fault kk... its mine. i let you g0..." I was clutching him against my chest yellow tears streaming from my eyes. "IT'LL BE FINE."

"S-SOLLUX?" Kk shook me and I looked at him in horror and then my eyes softened. "i'm fine kk." I assured him smiling. (A/N okay I was obviously feeling depressed so thats why I wrote the death part though I don't remember writing it. My friend and I decided that I got my brain wiped by aliens) He nodded looking slightly unsure as we kept walking. It felt nice to know someone cared about me... I smiled and blushed a little hoping Kk didn't notice, luckily he didn't.


I really hope we find the others soon... But I still can't get over the fact Sollux just randomly screamed in what I think is terror with his eyes as big as my palm. It really worried me... I wonder if he saw something because it looked like a flame went past his empty eyes but I saw nothing. We kept walking for what seemed like forever when I heard some talking in the distance. As we got closer I noticed that it was the others! I grinned and took Sollux's hand and yanked him quickly to where they were "oH hEy KaRbRo! :o) hOnK!" Fucking honks. At least hes on sopor again... "I Was Getting Worried That Something Might Have Happened To You!" Kanaya scolded Sollux and I though I knew it was her just being kind. "W3LL TH3R3 YOU GUYS 4R3! WH3R3 W3R3 YOU?" Terezi cackled probably attempting to mock Kanaya. "sollux are you alright?" Aradia sounded happy in this terrible situation. Ugh how does she be so happy all the time!? what ever "yes i am d0ing great aa thanks f0r asking!" Sollux smiled at Aradia. "KANAYA WHAT WILL WE DO NOW?" I questioned her. "I Am Sorry Karkat But I Do Not Know." I contemplated that thought and nodded "ITS ALRIGHT KANAYA. ITS JUST I DONT WANT TO BE LEADER ANYMORE. WILL... WILL YOU TAKE THE ROLE?" I knew it was alot to ask but I couldn't do it anymore and she was the best person to do it because she was serious, caring, she can see and I know she won't go insane. After a few seconds she nodded, "I Would Be Happy To Karkat. If It Helps You." I hugged her, "THANK YOU KANAYA. IT MEANS ALOT." And to be honest it did mean alot to me. With that I announced to everyone that I was passing the role of leader to Kanaya Maryam. Everyone nodded showing that they were fine with it and Kanaya bowed slightly. Kanaya was the new leader.


Yay new chapter! just for all of you nice peoples! ;) wonk! I have had MAJOR writers block with this story plus I have been really fucking busy with school and fighting for head nerd of my class (though I'm only going against one person) and just stuff. I have had no spark for this story since chapter one so I hope this is okay ^u^ I am writing it for you! I find it slightly annoying when people say "Favourite and comment!" So that is why I have never done that! also if you have a ship message me and I will write a oneshot for it if you like! Tell me if you want to stay anonymus or to have a shout out for the idea! Thank you and you are all beautiful and talented!

Solkat: When will it be over?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz