"Where is Virgil than?"  Roman asked, obvious anger in his voice.  "And Deceit?" 

"Neither of them remember any of us.  Well, Dee just doesn't remember anything after the Pit."  Remus tried to explain.  "Virgil wouldn't come with me, even if I tired."

"You didn't even try to bring him with you?!"  Yelled Roman angrily. 

"It's a lost cause."  Remus said while rolling his eyes.  "He doesn't trust anyone except Corruption now.  He thinks you're evil by the way." 


"Corruption's been telling him a lot of falsehoods."  Remus said before laughing obnoxiously.  "Eh?  Logan?  Falsehood?" 

"I don't get it."  I said. 

"Why are you here Remus?"  Roman asked, obviously suspicious of Remus. 

"Am I not allowed to want to help my brother?"  Remus wondered.  "I just tried to fuckin' bash Corruption's head in with a mace, wasted almost all my power on teleporting these snowflakes back here, but ya know, it's just for Corruption." 

"Yeah-"  Started Roman.

"Idiots!"  Remus yelled at us.  "I'm not working with that poopyhead anymore!"  He dramatically raised his hand in the scouts honor thing.

"Why are you helping us?"  Remy asked suddenly. 

"I'm done with Corruption's bullshit."  Remus repeated. 

"Yeah but why?"  Remy asked.  Remus seemed to falter for a second before plastering a Cheshire grin on his face. 

"I don't know.  There is no rhyme or reason to what I do.  I just do."  Remus laughed.  "A skiddily boop!" 

"That gives us no answers."  I grumbled in annoyance.  Remus is so annoying.  He's absolutely impossible to hold a normal conversation with. 

"I just don't want to be evil like that anymore, okay?"  Remus said, seeming to be slightly frustrated. 

"But you are pretty evil."  Roman said while glaring at his brother.

"Oh come ON Roman!"  Remus said dramatically.  "I'm not all evil!  I'm just... spontaneously demented!" 

"How is that any better?"  I asked. 

"Look, I'm literally your only chance on saving Virge and Dee."  Remus said in a matter-of-fact-ly way.

"How can we trust you?" Remy asked.

"I swear on my heart."  Remus smirked, summoning a random bleeding heart and holding it in his hand. 

"Ew, Gross!  Put it back right now mister!"  Patton said in his Dad voice.  Remus sighed but sent the heart away. 

"How can you help us?"  I asked. 

"I know where Corruption lives."  Remus said. 

"That's amazing!"  Roman yelled.  "You can take us to Virgil and we can save him!" 

"And Dee..."  Mumbled Quinn. 

"Yeah, him too."  Roman said, waving his hand in a dismissing manor towards Quinn.

"But,"  Remus said. 

"Oh god, here we go."  Roman said with a sigh. 

"If I help you, Ignorance and I get to live here with you guys."  Remus said.  "No more borders between Light and Dark Sides." 

"What?!"  Screeched Roman. 

"We can not do that."  I said sternly.  "You and Ignorance will always be Dark Sides."

"Just like Virgil?"  Remus questioned, making me look down at the floor in shame. 

"I get you guys don't like us, but trust me, I'm working with you guys now."  Remus promised, sticking his pinkie out. 

"What about Ignorance?"  I asked. 

"He doesn't know I'm doing this, but he'll join me.  I'm sure of it...for reasons."  Remus explained. 

"What reasons?"  Roman asked suspiciously. 

"None-ya business."  Remus said lowly, suddenly very defensive. 

"Fine whatever."  Roman sighed.  Remus smirked instantly and held his hand out to shake Roman's. 

His hand ignited into green flames to seal the deal.  Roman looked over at the rest of us.  Patton and I nodded in approval. 

Why not?  I don't think Remus is lying to us right now.  So why not trust him just this once?  It's worth risking it in case we do get Virgil and Deceit back. 

"So,"  Remus purred.  "Do we have a deal?"

Roman took Remus's flaming hand and shook it, sending the green flames up Roman's arm. 


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