Bandito Writing competition entry: Tri Blade Un

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Tri-Blades Un

un ~

A cry silent cry

deep alleys dual city

Steam Metropolis

sole private eye arrives

she from old generation

Finds waling shadow

appearance creepy

but wholesome true golden core

pain in his dark eyes

Voice a small breeze heard

"Huh" she recieved his short mail

"Ah I understand"

natsume tri-edge

approach choas gate, mouse follows

arms wrapped her neck

Shock, scream alkaid grins

natsume reluctantly

accepts her help, GO!

deu ~

keywords entered

Tranported to scene of mishap

tri-edge still depressed

terrible winds blow

lands high above, flat like planes

monsters creep about

they began mission

fierce fights one after another

triedge is sidelined

no backup weapon

Alkaid natsume overpowered

the monsters,while he searched

They all search, high low

under rocks trees gates no luck

favorite weapon

was not found, search failed

natsume said "dont give up"

He thought hard. Realised.

troi ~

He says "i'm sorry"

felt ackward, looked away

the girls didn't mind

his precious weapons

lied within tri-edge's lair

his cyber haven

he let them keep spoils

As his gratitude to them

overdue logout..


Note D'author: this is for @banditoboii 's competition. It is written in a Senryu/haiku format at (5-7-5 syllables). The setting is in a MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online ) game, an MMORPG to be exact.

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