100-word story: Sometimes super, sometime not-so-super

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Theme: Sometimes super, sometime not-so-super

Supa as in supaflight, supamight, supaagility, or supasuperness. Nothing I can't do. So composed that noone can disturb my flow. WRONG! In little cave, mortality lives. He mucks stuff up and makes a ruckus til supa nomore. Lost concentration equals WEAKNESS! Doubt, inferiority, loneliness, and dreamlessness. Feelings that make anyone wanna die. Should never feel that.NEVER! Becoming a useless speck of smaller than a grain of rice. That not true self. True self is NONE of that, one word..Supa. Is who. No little insignificant demeaning dishonoring slithery stinking feeling deserves power. Only once fooled but the fool isn't forever fool.


Heres anothers new one. Happi Reading!

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